A Royal Announcement

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Princess Cinderella POV

I woke up with a vile taste in my mouth. Rushing into the bathroom I vomited into the toilet. The sound woke up Christopher who immediately grabbed my hair and rubbed my back. After 10 minutes I could finally stand up. Lionel entered handing me a glass of ginger ale and some crackers. That temporarily soothed my stomach before I was right back over the toilet.

"Shall I send for the doctor, Your Highness?" Lionel inquired.

"Please she must have eaten something her body doesn't agree with." Chris said.

Once I finished for the second time this morning I went and layed in bed. Soon the doctor and Lionel arrived. The sudden gasp from doctor Tiffany exasperated my nerves. That couldn't be good.

"Your Highness is very pale yet has swollen lips. Her bosom is slightly larger and leaking. When is the last time the couple has been intimate?" Doctor Tiffany inquired.

"About a month ago before I left on business." Chris responds.

"Princess Cinderella have you been feeling anything unusual or experiencing strange cravings?" She queried.

"Well I did eat pickles and popcorn yesterday. I hate pickles." I said.

"Its possible you're expecting my dear." She said before pulling on gloves.

She lifted my nightgown slightly and reached towards my punani. She felt around for a few seconds and then inserted a transducer into me. Finding what she was looking for she smiled at us.

"Congratulations are in order. A new heir will be making their appearance soon." She said discarding her gloves.

"We're going to be parents?" Chris and I said in unison.

"In about 7 and a half months." She said smiling.

The look on my husband's face was breathtaking. He glowed with pride. He immediately covered my face with kisses. I giggled from the tickling sensation. Soon enough I was lifted into his arms as he ran down the hallway towards the east wing where his parents bedroom was. Servants opened the door and ran in without announcing himself.

"Christopher to what do we owe this intrusion?" King Maximillion inquired.

"She's pregnant you're going to be grandparents." Chris exclaimed.

Queen Constantina immediately envelops me in a warm embrace. Tears flowed from her eyes. She was overjoyed by this momentous occasion. Her children becoming parents.

"Darling Cinderella we have so much to prepare for the new prince or princess. I am delighted to help you every step of the way." She said.

"Congratulations, you both will be amazing parents. I can't wait to be called grandpa." The king said.

"Mother and Father, go ahead and announce it to the rest of the kingdom at the spring carnival." Chris said.

"That's a wonderful idea." I said.

Three Months Later.........

Stepmother Vivian POV

The girls and I arrived to the carnival as notices were being spread to every guest. I graciously accepted the letter but scowled at what was written:

Her Royal Highness, Princess Cinderella and His Royal Highness, Prince Christopher Rupert Gregory James are expecting their first child. Please send a gift to the palace along with your warm wishes immediately following the end of the spring carnival. If you do not adhere to this mandate by Their Majesties King Maximillion and Queen Constantina you will be dealt with personally. Upon receiving this notice your identity was verified.

I can't believe it. The little snake was pregnant and demanding a gift from me. I shouldn't have to give her anything after she took everything from me. Crumpling the notice I threw it in the trash.

"I saw that Vivian. I look forward to your gift."

I turned to see the prince standing behind me. Of course now I really have to buy a gift. If I didn't he would take what I had left.

"Don't be so sure about that." I mumbled walking away.

"Oh and Vivian the last 1.5 million you have left could easily be a gift to my child. I would think twice about refusing to obey." Prince Christopher said smirking.

I watched as he walked away holding all the power over my miserable life. He would definitely jump at the chance to ruin my reputation further. People in the village already talked about how our family was broke and clinging to our last. I hated that more than anything. We weren't invited to social functions at the palace or in the village anymore. Calliope and Minerva were forced to sell the luxuries to keep us a float. They even had to get jobs in the markets. I couldn't even afford a new maid.

Since Cinderella left my life has been dreadful. My daughters once vain and beautiful became plain and humiliated. I didn't care what they wanted I refused to send a gift to that ungrateful brat who already had it all.

A few days after the carnival ended I sat in my bedroom reading. A loud knock interrupted me. I descendthe steps and answer our front door. Upon opening it I was greeted by a smug Prince Christopher.

"Vivian a pleasure as always." He said entering my home uninvited.

"To what do I owe this visit?" I queried.

"Cinderella and I did not receive your gift so I came to pick it up personally. Please go ahead and get it. I will wait right here." He said expectantly.

"I apologize but I have not yet bought your gift. I have been busy." I answered snidely.

"You've had 4 days to ensure that you did. I warned you at the festival not to refuse." He said curtly.

"I didn't refuse I have been busy, Your Highness." I respond tightly.

"Vivian did you or did you not throw away a royal proclamation?" He asked.

"What's your point?" I inquire.

"Answer the question madame." Lionel interjects.

"So what if I did?" I respond.

"Did I or did I not warn you that I would personally come to enforce said proclamation?" He inquired.

"So what if you did?" I queried.

"I mentioned that the remaining sum of money in your possession would the gift had it come to this. So my question is even after all those chances I gave you to do what was proclaimed you still refused to do so, why? Do you hate Cinderella that much? A simple toy or outfit for a member of your family. She's still your stepdaughter. She even forgave you for all that you've done past and present. Yet you still refuse to woman up and let bygones be bygones." He said shaking his head.

I scoffed as he turned to leave the room. I did not care one bit what she wanted. That was never my daughter. I started up the stairs when the prince spoke.

"Oh good going to get your checkbook. Smart choice." He said smirking.

I sighed in defeat knowing that he would not leave until he had the gift. I wrote out the check and descend the steps again to hand it to him. Of course it wasn't 1.5 million. More like $25,000 I was no fool.

He accepted it without reading it. He placed it in his pocket and left the house.

"You know madame he will be back for the rest of the money. He's not stupid." Lionel said and left the house as well.

I didn't care because there would be nothing left to take after my next shopping spree. He thought he had won but I always come out on top.

Uh oh Vivian out here being messy. Christopher ain't going though. His revenge on her as only begun. Y'all thought I was done with that didn't you? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Anyways a baby is on the way. I'm so excited. What should the name be? Boy or girl?

See ya next time my loves.

-Queen Liv

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