The Humbling Process: Journey Of Past And Present

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Stepmother Vivian POV

I woke up this morning on my couch. I guess after crying for hours last night I just passed out. I looked up to see Cinderella's fairy godmother holding a cup of tea out to me.

"Good Morning Vivian. I hope you had peaceful rest." She said smiling.

"Good Morning and yes I did thank you." I said taking the tea.

"Alright well go ahead and finish that so you can get dressed. We have a long day ahead of us." She said leaving the room.

An hour later I was finished and we were leaving my apartment. Where we are going I have no idea but she said to follow her. All of the sudden a coach appeared and she bid me to enter it. Doing as I was told I relaxed into the luxury I had missed. We rode up into the mountains and then down the other side. I recognized where I was now. My old village where I had spent my early years as a child and with my first husband.

"Welcome home Vivian. I know you have bittersweet emotions about this particular place. However to heal you must confront your past and those emotions head on." She said once I stepped out the coach.

I sighed looking around, not much has changed. I never brought the girls back here after I got married again.

"Alright so where to first?" I inquired.

"To visit your parents graves. You have a lot of unresolved issues there." She said and in an instant we were standing at the site.

I reluctantly glanced downward at the now bronze tombstones. It's been years since I have come here to visit.

"You can say whatever you feel and I will be right here. I won't say a word this your time." She said giving me some space.

I knelt down and just stared blankly at them before tears fell from my eyes.

"Daddy how could you? You said you wouldn't leave me yet you did. I needed you to protect me from mama. You knew she was a drunk and would hit me. I want to be angry with you but I know you were protecting me that night. I miss you daddy so much. I love you and I hope one day you will be proud of your little princess again." I said wiping my tears before looking at my mother's grave.

"Mama I want to hate you so bad. I don't though and I can't figure out why. You tried to kill me, mama with a knife. If daddy hadn't jumped in front of me that night I would be dead. It's because of you I abused my own stepdaughter and pushed my own daughters so hard. I wanted to be nothing like you. Yet somehow I have become you. Well not anymore, mama. I forgive you, you didn't know any better. I love you mama." I said sobbing profusely.

I felt warm arms wrap around me as I wailed in pain. I had no idea that I was holding all of these emotions in for so many years.

"I'm proud of you Vivian. I know how hard that was to confront." She said helping me to stand.

"Where to next?" I inquired.

"Your first husband dear. I know this will be equally as hard." She said and just as before we were immediately in front of his grave.

I sat on the ground in front of the silver tombstone and sighed heavily. Richard was the best thing that ever happened to me. He saved me from my mama and for that he would always hold a huge piece of my heart.

"Ricky, baby I miss you. I wish I had known how ill you really were. You could have told me it was cancer baby. I would've done anything to keep you here longer. I had to raise the girls without you. Calliope looks just like you while Minerva took after your mother. I know you didn't want me to be sad and everything so I married Eric 4 years after you were gone. While I loved Eric so much it wasn't nearly as close to what I felt for you. I don't blame you for leaving me behind. I understand you were tired of suffering. I hope you are at peace, I love you." I said wiping away my tears.

"Feeling any lighter Vivian?" She queried.

"Yes, surprisingly I feel much better." I said as we walked back to the coach.

"Good, next we go see Eric, Cinderella's father." She said and I sighed yet again.

This whole journey is taking it's toll on my emotions and body. I was exhausted and there was still so much left to confront after dealing with my past and present reality.

We arrived on the other side of the mountains back my current town and were in route to the burial place for Eric Tremaine.

"Alright Vivian, I am going to leave you to do this on your own. I want you to be honest with him. Tell him how you have treated his child after his death. It's the only way to begin to heal the rift between you and Cinderella." She said when I exited the coach. I nod in understanding.

Walking towards his silver and gold tombstone I sat down. I must have sat there for a while because the next thing I heard was what sounded like his voice.


"Who is calling my name?" I respond.

"Eric darling. Its been so long since I have seen you. How's my little girl?" He queried.

"She's married to the current king and has a son named Nicholas as well as a little girl on the way." I said dryly.

"You don't seem to happy for her. Why is that? Don't you love her? That's what you told me years ago." He replied.

"I don't know how to answer that." I said truthfully.

'Well tell me the truth. What has happened since I've been gone? Why did my daughter plead with me to let her leave our home?" He inquired.

"Eric I hurt her. I was so angry that I was once again a widow that I took that anger out on her. I forced her to serve me and the girls for years. I ridiculed her so bad until she literally cried. When her husband, Christopher came searching for his mysterious date from the ball I locked her in the kitchen. I just couldn't let her marry him. I was jealous of the fact he actually loved her and not my girls." I said and for the first felt ashamed of myself.

"Vivian, I trusted you! You harmed MY child all because I got sick and died. If I knew this is what she would have to deal with after me I would have never married you. I wanted her to be protected and loved. You failed me!" He yelled as tears fell from my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Eric honest. I regret hurting her. It cost me my own children. If I could go back and do it over I would change it, I swear I would." I said sobbing.

"As angry as I am at your actions, it's in the past. I forgive you Vivian. Now dry your eyes and fix the relationship with ALL of your children. I love you darling." He said and then departed.

"I love you too Eric and again I'm sorry." I replied drying my eyes.

A few hours later I was alone in my apartment and utterly exhausted. I felt lighter than I had in years. Next thing I have to do is mend the relationship with my daughters. It will take a while for me to get an audience with my stepdaughter, the Queen. I just hope in time we can be the happy family we used to be so many years ago.

Hey loves,

First let me say this particular chapter is a gift to a dear friend of mine MaddieCGaines as birthday present. Happy Birthday love, I hope you enjoy your day queen.

Now onto Vivian, were you expecting those types of revelations? Did I shock you?

If I did good because now you know where the cycle of abuse started. Its very important to confront these cycles at the roots. Otherwise we can never truly heal from them. I learned this just recently and I must say my life is a lot lighter and filled with more joy.

Next chapter we might see the newest little royal.

Until Next Time.....

-Queen Liv

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