Happy Birthday Prince Nicholas

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Prince Christopher POV

Today is my son Nicholas 7th birthday. Can you believe it? I'm so excited for this celebration. When we asked him if he wanted a party he said that he wanted to get on rides. So that means a carnival. Well his wish I was more then happy to grant.

My wife and I spent months putting this together and Mother was ecstatic. She loved huge gatherings. Any excuse to plan something extravagant and she was all over it. We were inviting the entire kingdom to celebrate.

"Lionel have the invitations been sent?" I inquired.

"Yes, your highness. They were sent out this morning with the daily news." He responds.

"Christopher, may I have a word?" My father asks entering the room.

We exit the ballroom and head towards his study. In recent months I have spent a lot of time in here.

"Have a seat son. We need to discuss your impending coronation a few weeks after Nicholas birthday." He spoke.

"Wait, that's only 2 weeks away!" I exclaim.

"I'm aware of that but in reality you should have become king on your wedding day 8 years ago. We only delayed it to give your wife time to adjust." He said.

"Well shouldn't she be involved in this conversation as well then?" I asked.

"She's been informed and meets with your mother quite often to go over foreign affairs and other official duties. She's been handling her appearances for the crown very well." He informs me.

"I had no idea she had been out on official business." I said more so to myself as I wondered why she hasn't told me any of this.

"Well that's between the both of you but we really should get this conversation back on track." He said.

"Alright then shall we?" I respond and he begins a very long impromptu king lesson.

The next day my wife and I head into the village to oversee the construction of the carnival. She actually is helping the foreman build the base of a rollercoaster. I watch consumed by my thoughts of what father said. Has she really been keeping secrets from me?

The whole village square was now ready for our son's party tomorrow. As we were leaving I spotted Vivian leaving a dress shop with a few new purchases. She sees me and quickly scurries away with a slight smirk. Something tells me she's hiding something as well.

Upon our return to the palace Cinderella ventures off to the east wing where my mother's study is. I discreetly follow. She's been avoiding me all week, so I know something is up. I stop just short of the door and listen.

"Hello dear, I was just about to come looking for you. So do you think he knows yet?" Mother asks.

"I honestly don't think he suspects a thing but you never know. I just hope he appreciates it." She responds.

"Oh he definitely will. Its hard containing this information though, after all he is my son." Mother replies.

So my wife is keeping a secret from me. I walk away towards the library until I must begin getting dressed for tonight's festivities.

Cinderella POV

That was a close one I knew Chris was following me. His cologne was a dead giveaway. I smirked at mother knowingly. I am indeed keeping a secret from him but I want to surprise him at the carnival.

"Nicholas is a very smart child. His idea for this birthday celebration really makes the surprise baby reveal a lot easier to accomplish." She said.

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