Chapter 23

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I jumped the double oxer and went on to a cross rail followed by a small triple. I counted the strides between me and the last jump. It was a high jump with a low jump I front of it. The high jump was a good 6'0". A hight I had been practicing for the last 4 or 5 hours. Tyler watched me. I signaled Dancer to jump. A minute later we touched the ground and slowed from a showing canter to a stop. Turning around, I saw that we had cleared the corse.

I trotted to the gate, and out of the arena. I dismounted in the barn and slipped a purple halter over Dancers head. I took off her bridle. Tyler grabbed the saddle and saddle pad. he took them to the tack room. I walked to the tack room and hung up the bridle. I heard the barn door open. Tyler hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. I turned in his arms, catching him by surprise and kissed him full on the lips.

Someone gasped and I pulled away. I turned and a woman with hair as curly and blonde as mine, stood with her hand over her mouth.

"And who are you?" I demanded.

"I-I-I- I'm C-c- Crystal Smith." She said shocked.

"Ahh. Okay. So let me ask you something, who the hell do you think you are to come in here and ruin a perfectly good kiss I was sharing with my boyfriend? You couldn't have picked a worse moment because I can get all kinds of angry with people." I say, beginning to walk toward her.

I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me back. "Hey, calm down. Its just a kiss. Relax. For god sakes Clara! damn your strong!" I fought against him.

"No stop! I need to apologize! let me GO!!!" I yelled.

He let me go and I crashed into the door. "Crystal I'm really sor-" she cut me off.

"It's okay. And I came to meet you. I'm your biological mom." She said.

I stood with my mouth open. "Close your mouth baby. you'll catch flies." Tyler chuckled to me.

My mouth snapped shut. "I-I-I-" I stuttered. "I have to umm, go, umm, I am terribly, umm, sorry." I said. I sprinted to the house with Tyler at my heels. Crystal had taken the liberty of putting Dancer In her stall.

I reached my room and let the tears spill over. Tyler hugged me and I turned in his arms to face him. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shirt. The blue and green plaid was soon damp. His hands held my waist and we began to sway. He was dancing with me! He was singing 'Wanted' by Hunter Hays! Awwww!!!!

"You know I'd fall apart without you. I don't know how you do what you do. Bit everything that don't make sense about me, makes sense when I'm with you. like everything that's green girl I need you. cuz it's more than one and one makes two. put aside the math and the logic of it. gotta know your wanted too.

Cuz I want to wrap you up wanna kiss your lips I want to make you feel wanted. And I wanna call you mine wanna hold your hand forever and never let you forget it. Baby I wanna make you. Feel wanted.

Anyone can tell you your pretty. Yeah. you get that all the time I know you do. but your beauty's deeper than the make up. and I want to show you what I see tonight.

when I wrap you up when I kiss your lips I wanna make you feel wanted. and I wanna call you mine wanna hold your hand forever and never let you forget it. I wanna make you feel wanted. Baby I want to make you feel, wanted. cuz you'll always be wanted." He sang.

I smiled into his chest and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, he kissed my lips. Our lips melted together and our bodies pressed together. I felt his hand slide from the small of my back to the bottom of my hip. He pulled away and hugged me tight.

I felt loved. Cared for. A feeling I never wanted to loose.

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