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Dear Harry,

First of all I can't believe i'm actually writing you this note. I have no idea what to even say. I doubt you'll ever read this anyway but....I guess the reason I'm trying is because some part of me believes you'll be able to save me. I know it's silly. You're just a man who sings songs on the radio but at the same time for three long years you've kept me alive. I'm not going to sit here and write out all the reasons I hate my life and want everything to just stop. It's pointless. I want to thank you. I want thank you for all the times your voice pulled me through the darkness and stopped me from going off the edge. I want to thank you for every night I couldn't breathe because the weight in my chest made me want die, your words told me not too. I want to thank you for making me believe there are a few people in this world who aren't all bad. Without you I would have been gone a long time ago... So thank you Harry. Thank you for it all but I think it's my time to go. I've decided to end it New years eve. The day before everyone starts over again because it truly is the very end. I don't know why I even told you that but I guess it dosen't matter, it's not like you'll be there to catch me, although I wish you were. I used to think someday maybe we'd meet and you'd whisk me away to some dreamland and away from this awful place but it's all just a fantasy. But I guess it's alright now, I'll be gone in a few months. Also I'm sorry for the tear stains on the paper, this is the only goodbye note I'm writing.... Thank you again Harry.

Sincerely yours, (as long as I'm still breathing)

-Luna Athena

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