Fuck My Life

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Ugh, I'm at midweek right now and I HATE it. Midweek is this church thing I go to every Wednesday. It's like church, but it's for kids and it's awful. Today I'm sitting here alone (which is what I usually do) but there are probably the most people here that I've seen ever. They all gather at their tables and joke and laugh around. There are two groups here, the older kids in high school who are really cool, and the annoying middle school brats (well, 6th grade brats). The thing is, I don't fit into either age group. The younger kids are, well, the younger kids and the older kids think I'm not old enough to handle their humor. So, I'm sitting here alone writing this. I just wish there was at least ONE person who I could hang out with here! But I guess it's not that bad because no one is reading this while I type it. But one of the reasons I started writing this was to complain about this very night. It was like two things but I just help it anymore. I fucking hate this place. But basically before midweek actually starts there's about half an hour of study hall, which is where you do you homework and such. After that there is dinner, so everyone lines up to get some food. Tonight, we were having chicken, and I cannot stomach chicken. So instead I brought Mac and cheese to make. I sound so childish saying that, but it was the only thing that we had that I could bring. So I went to the kitchen to prepare it. On the way to the microwave I had to pass the line up for the food. So as I walked past the line, this kid who I've never seen before and who I'm sure has never been to midweek was holding his paper plate like everyone else was. But when I walked past him he stuck his plate out and hit me with it. Now, at that time I thought it was just an accident and that it didn't mean anything, so I kept walking. So I was opening the package and everything and during that the same kid, whose name I later found out is Jason, walked through and asked my dad, who was also in the kitchen, where the bathroom was. So after all that blah blah stuff and I had begun microwaving my food. However, I accidentally left the plastic top on and the instructions said not to. So after about 2 minutes the microwave started to emit a not so pleasant smell. Now Jason had to walk back from the bathroom through the kitchen and when he came in he walked over to me, looked into the microwave, and commented, "What's that in there, it smells awful." I didn't know how to respond, so I said, "It's just what I'm cooking." And then he just walked out. So... Jason, could've just walked through the kitchen and maybe say, "That doesn't smell too good." Or some shit like that. But nope! He's just had to be very rude and make a fantastic conflict! I'd love to write more right now but I'm getting so distracted with all the shit that everyone is saying so I'll write later I guess... Fuck. My. Life.

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