Um, hi!

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Helloooooo whoever is reading this. Hope you're having a great day/night and thanks so much for actually deciding to stick around and read this.
I'm sorry if I word anything incorrectly and end up confusing you. I confuse myself all the time.

It's been a while since I wrote in this "journal" and I've decided to just go ahead and write. Chances are NOBODY is reading this. Well, except for one person. Hi future self!!
So, yeah a lot of stuff has happened since I last wrote in here. I like to think of myself as more mature and I won't be swearing left and right like I used to. Although, I'm still young and chances are I'll look back at this and think "Wow, what was I thinking writing this?" I'm also a lot happier and positive thinking. I won't be acting "edgy" or anything like that and I won't complain about the little things that annoy me. I'll also make sure to fully explain situations and not word things to make myself always sound right.

The first and biggest thing I'd like to mention is that I'm switching schools. This school is in my city as opposed to the old one I went to, and I'm very happy with what I've accomplished regarding the new school. The year hasn't started yet, it'll begin in about a week. However, I've been able to make a new friend and get a schedule that is best for me!
Some of the complaining I did in my old journals was about drunline and how awful it was. That's because it WAS awful. I would constantly stress about it and the whole thing was just a terrible part of my life. Well, I'm happy to say I quit drunline and because I did that I was able to get the courage to switch schools. There was a period in between where I hadn't decided to switch yet but I had already quit drunline. So I had to think of how I was going to get two electives because I wanted to take art class and a language course. I couldn't have two electives unless I did 7th period PE which required getting to school about an hour early or doing a sport outside of school and adding up the hours of work to qualify as PE credit (ISPE). I wasn't able to do either when I went to the school outside my city but now that I'm enrolled into a school way closer to me I'm able to take an AM class. The whole reason I wanted to switch was because I needed two electives.

With this new school comes a new schedule and I'm so happy with what I got. Originally I wanted to take Latin, which was an AM class, and advanced art. But when I filled out the elective sheet I was immediately informed that those two classes were full. I was upset, though I was now given the opportunity of two new electives. I chose exploratory, which had art in it, and TV. TV was pretty much just a film class. After turning in the form I thought nothing more of it, but earlier today my mom received a call from the schools counselor. It turns out that when I changed my electives, I didn't make the sheet too clear on what I picked, so she just called to clarify which classes I wanted. My mom proceeded to ask about the advanced art class again, and it turns out there was one opening! She also asked about Latin and apparently once people found out it was an AM class, which meant it started at 7:30am, they didn't want the class anymore. So my schedule was back to the original, and I couldn't be more happy!!

One last thing. I mentioned making a friend earlier. When I told all my friends from my old school that I would be moving, one of them told me about a girl they knew from the school I was going to be in. I was given her number and for her own privacy, I'll call her Linda. After I got Linda's number she texted me and offered to show me around the school and that she would help me out and such. Can I just say how funny and nice she is? We've gotten along so well and I was able to meet her at get your stuff day. She showed me around and it turns out we're taking the same electives. She's introduced me to a few other friends of hers and I'm so glad I've been able to fit in. Usually I'm not the type to be social but now I'm just fluttering around as a social butterfly and I couldn't be happier.

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