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by the ending of july tyler still didn't know the name of his mystery neighbor, even though he had watched him swim every single day since he first discovered the pool. he did learn many other things about him though, like the fact that he must've been clueless as fuck considering he never seemed to notice tyler.

tyler couldn't decide whether he was happy about that though. on one hand he would love to be noticed so that he could go swimming and get to know his attractive neighbor. on the other hand he was terrified of getting caught because the last thing he wanted was to have to explain that he had been watching him for the past month.

he was pulled out of his thoughts when his neighbor walked out of the house with just a towel hanging loosely around his hips. tyler tried his best to keep quiet as he positioned his hand over the fence to take a picture. he was startled when the shutter sounded loudly, causing his phone to fall out of his hand and land on the other side of the fence.

tyler dangled his upper body over the fence in an attempt to grab his phone but he completely fell over it when another hand picked up the phone for him. he landed on the ground and heard a quiet 'holy shit' in between small laughs that came from his neighbor.

"hey, you okay?" the red haired man asked and held his hand out for tyler to grab so he could help him up.

"yeah of course i'm fine! i was just, you know, taking a picture of your pool because it's a really nice pool. have you ever been told how nice of a pool you have? because it's really fucking nice and-" tyler rambled but was cut off.

"thank you, i like my pool too. i'm josh by the way."

"i'm tyler but i'm just gonna go now okay? don't mind me," he mumbled and turned to walk away but josh grabbed his wrist.

"let me give you my number. just text me if you ever feel like swimming, you're always welcome over," josh smiled and tyler nodded, opening up messages so josh could send a text to his number. josh sent himself a text and handed the phone back with a smirk. tyler was too flustered to think about leaving through the fence door so he just scrambled over it again and fell to the ground on his side.

"bye josh!" tyler called out, running back into his house. josh chuckled and waved goodbye, enjoying how awkward the boy he just met was.

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