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"melanie! why'd you do that? he's never gonna want to see me again, you scared him off!" tyler cried out, pacing around the room in a panic about what had just happened.

"chill, i know a queer when i see one and he, my friend, definitely fits into that category."

"you can't know that for sure!"

"a straight person wouldn't have reacted the way he did, let's be real here."

"i can't believe you," tyler mumbled as he collapsed onto his bed with a loud groan of annoyance. he jumped slightly as his phone started ringing and he quickly picked it up at the sight of josh's contact.

"h-hey josh!"

"hey ty, i wanted to apologize about earlier."

"it's totally fine, don't worry about it!"

"no, i was a dick. you should come over, i can make it up to you and we can just talk and have a few drinks, how does that sound?"

"yeah, that sounds great. i'll see you in a few minutes."

tyler hung up the phone and turned to melanie with wide eyes.

"he wants me to come over so we can talk, what do i do? oh god- what should i wear?"

"calm the fuck down and take a deep breath," melanie rolled her eyes, standing up to search through tyler's wardrobe. "all you have is black jeans and plain t-shirts, you are a lost cause."

"what do you expect me to have? crop tops and skirts with lacy panties?" tyler scoffed, getting a bit scared as he saw the look in melanie's eyes. "i should've never said that."

"you're so fucked tyler, it isn't even funny."


"i am not wearing this."

"you look so cute though!"

"i swear when i get back i'm gonna kill you," tyler warned as he examined his reflection in the mirror.

"at least you'll look hot as fuck when you do so."

tyler rolled his eyes as he left his house and made his way over to josh's, extremely self conscious of his appearance. he held down the sides of his skirt to keep it from blowing up in the wind as he walked up the front steps and knocked on the door. as josh opened it up he was taken aback by the small boy in front of him and his eyes went wide.

"h-hi tyler, come in," he stuttered, stepping aside to let the boy inside. tyler timidly entered the house and followed josh into the living room, sitting on a couch next to josh.

"you wanted to talk?" he questioned, scootching himself a little closer to josh.

"yeah, do you want a drink first though? i have beer, wine, vodka, you name it."

"i'll just have a water, i don't drink," tyler smiled. josh nodded and stood up, going to the kitchen to get a water bottle for tyler. he returned and handed it to tyler, sitting back in his previous position.

"i don't mean to be rude at all but do you normally dress like that? it's not a bad thing, not at all- i mean i'm not complaining- but i just-"

"no, i don't normally dress like this," tyler giggled at josh's nervous rambling as he looked down at his own small frame, observing the outfit melanie had chosen. he was wearing a baby pink tennis skirt with a black crop top that had white stripes around the elbows, and a pair of white knee socks with pink adidas sneakers. he really would've thought the outfit was cute on any other person but he just didn't know how to feel about it on himself. he kinda- dare he say it- liked it?

"why tonight then?"

"mel was using me as a dress up doll or something before you called and she insisted i wear it here," tyler lied as he took a sip from the water bottle.

"cool, it looks good," josh complimented as his leaned into the armrest and took a swig of his beer. "again, i'd like to apologize for earlier, i kinda just freaked out when melanie accused me of being gay- not that being gay is bad or anything- but i was just surprised at her question."

"i get it, she can come off a bit too strong sometimes. don't pay any mind to what she said though."

"that's the problem. after you guys left i couldn't stop thinking about her question," josh sighed, staring into tyler's deep brown eyes as he continued to speak. "i was second guessing my sexuality and i have no clue why, i've never thought a guy was attractive but something in my mind was telling me that i do like guys."

"if you've never thought of a guy that way then you have nothing to worry about," tyler assured even though he was somewhat bummed about what josh had said. obviously he wasn't going to push anything on josh, especially since he had a girlfriend, but he still had that tiny little hope that josh was going to say 'yeah i'm super fucking gay let's make out'.

"but that's the thing, what if all along i have been attracted to guys but i just never realized what i was feeling was attraction?"

"i mean it's possible but you're the only person who can decide that," tyler soothed as he put his hand on josh's knee and rubbed tiny circles onto his skin through the hole in his jeans. josh smiled at the gesture and wrapped his arm around tyler's frame, pulling them closer together. they sat in a comfortable silence and enjoyed each other's presence, not bothering to speak because there was nothing to be said.

"we've known each other for less than a day," josh whispered, not wanted to interrupt the peaceful silence they were in.

"getting to know you was easy, you're such a laid back person," tyler spoke a little louder as he shifted his position so that he could look at josh. he noticed the red head's eyes flicker to his lips for a moment and he leaned in closer, connecting their lips together. josh didn't react for a few moments but he was quick to push tyler away once he realized what had happened.

"oh my god josh, i don't know what i was thinking. i'm so sorry," tyler gasped, watching as josh sat completely still in shock.

"i'm fucked, i am so fucking fucked," josh mumbled and ran his hands through his hair, resting his face in his knees and groaning loudly. "what if debby finds out? oh my god this can't be happening."

"i shouldn't have done that, i'm really, really sorry."

"you need to leave. right now."


honey, you've got a big storm coming ;;))))))

p.s. that picture is me sorry i just love that outfit so much and just imagine tyler wearing it,,, b Y e

how have you guys been???
-carina, ho(e) ho(e) ho(e)

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