in regards to melanie martinez... tw

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in light of what has happened with melanie martinez i will be going through this story (and all others that have her in them) and replacing her character with someone else.

i will start the editing today and i'm not sure how long it's going to take but i refuse to have a rapist in my stories. i will not support her in any way.

if you defend her i will mute you and delete your comments. her "apology" is half-assed and inexcusable. saying that "she didn't say no" DISGUSTS me. in the end it's about whether or not the victim said YES. unfollow me if you are going to defend her.

if any of you need to talk i'm here for you all. sexual assault and rape is not an easy subject to talk about and come forward with your own experiences but i'm always here to listen. i love you all.

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