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tyler had gotten home and immediately invited melanie over, telling her she could bring brendon if she wanted. so here he was, sitting in a blanket fort with melanie and brendon as a flashlight lit up the (surprisingly) spacious area.

"so last night worked out?" melanie asked through a mouthful of goldfish crackers, looking between tyler and brendon for an answer.

"debby believed us so yeah, i'd say it worked," tyler shrugged and took a sip of his redbull.

"tyler was a great fake boyfriend," brendon chuckled, watching as tyler took a small bow from where he was sitting. "josh seemed to get a little jealous though."

"spill the beans," melanie excitedly leaned forward and wiggled her eyebrows.

"he got all touchy-feely with debby when he saw us doing our fake couple stuff and then tyler asked to go to the bathroom and josh offered to show him but they were inside for like eight minutes before they came back out," brendon told melanie as she gasped at the news.

"what happened when you two were inside," she said in a suggestive tone.

"we just talked, i swear. i said that he shouldn't be jealous but then he said that he wasn't jealous, it was just that he kept thinking about what happened earlier," tyler told the two, getting small 'ooh's and 'mhm's in response.

"i say he was jealous," melanie concluded, brendon nodding along with her.

"he was not! i just came back from spending the whole afternoon with him and he didn't seem jealous at all, he didn't even bring brendon up," tyler tried to convince them but they just shook their heads at him.

"so in denial, tyler. it's cute," melanie joked as she put her hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"oh hush, i am not in denial!"

"and i'm not gay," melanie rolled her eyes, grinning as she heard tyler giggle a bit before he cleared his throat to cover it up.

"let's not argue," brendon tried to be the mediator, sighing in relief as tyler and melanie mumbled 'fine' in perfect unison.

"that was a good comeback though mel, i give you props," tyler said, causing melanie to flip her hair and mutter something along the lines of 'try me bitch', tyler didn't quite catch it though.

"so what did you do with gay boy today?"

"we just ate ice cream and watched fixer upper."

"and that was all? hm?"

"imayhavegivenhimablowjob," tyler mumbled, his words rushed and jumbling together as he spoke.

"i didn't understand a fucking word you just said," brendon admitted and melanie nodded in agreement.

"i may have given him a blowjob," tyler repeated, this time louder and easier to hear. melanie started to smack her thigh with her hand as she bit her lip to contain her excitement. she started smacking brendon's shoulder as well, a small 'ow' escaping his mouth as he tried to squirm away.

"you little hoe! tell me everything," melanie blurted, her body bouncing up and down with giddiness.

"i'm not sure i wanna hear everything," brendon interrupted but melanie silenced him by smacking her hand over his mouth.

"shut up forehead, no one asked for your opinion," she playfully snapped, bringing her hand away from his face as he nodded and pushed his glasses further up his nose as they had fallen down a bit.

"he asked me to come over since debby was at work but when i got there i thought i heard him say my name but he sounded hurt so i got all worried and i went into his room but he was, uh... he was-"

"he was what, you dimwit!"

"let me finish! he was, ya know, masturbating, and he was moaning my name so my first instinct was to ask him what he was thinking about, right? so i asked, and he said he was thinking about me doing... stuff, and then i sucked his dick," tyler nonchalantly said, his cheeks burning up as he tried not to make a big deal out of the situation.

"aw ty, you gave your first blowjob! i feel like a proud mom," melanie cheered as she pretended to wipe a tear from underneath her eye.

brendon leaned over and gave tyler a high five, melanie doing the same as they each congratulated tyler.

"you're making me regret telling you, i feel awkward now."

"you are awkward, tyler."

"fuck you mel," tyler scoffed and crawled out of the fort. melanie was calling after him but he ignored her, soon crawling back in with food.

"what'd you get," melanie questioned and made grabby hands at the bag in attempt to get it from tyler.

"chips and guacamole," tyler grinned as he opened the bag and container, laying them on the floor in the middle of the three of them.

"this is why i love you," melanie gasped, grabbing a handful of the chips as she began eating.

and that's how the night went, the three of them sharing overly personal stories while sitting in the comfort of their blanket fort, content and happy with the moment.


i've updated this like 9577378 times in the past week ok nice

fun fact: guacamole was one of my first words

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