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"oh, okay debby. i miss you too babe. yeah. love you, bye."

josh hung up the phone with a loud sigh and tyler raised his eyebrows at him expectantly for an explanation.

"she's working overnight tonight."

"and that's bad because?"

"i haven't seen her since this morning and i miss her. she's my girlfriend, tyler," josh said, rolling his eyes slightly but not enough so that tyler could see it.

"but i'm here!" he chirped as he leaned into josh and pressed a kiss on his jaw.

"and i really appreciate that but you aren't my girlfriend," josh mumbled, his voice trailing off as he realized what he had said.

"i know i'm not your girlfriend but last time i checked you were excited that she wasn't here earlier because it meant spending more time with me," tyler huffed and jutted his bottom lip into a pout.

"i know, i'm sorry. i am happy that we can spend time together, i swear."

"okay, i believe you," tyler giggled as he cuddled into josh's side, their arms wrapped around each other and tangled together.

"what do you wanna do?"

"whatever you want, i'm easygoing."

"do you want to go swimming? or we can watch a movie. or maybe even go on a walk or something."

"can we go on a walk? the last time i did that was in like 1754," tyler shrugged, standing up from the couch as he walked to the front door and slipped his vans on.

"1754? you're old," josh chuckled and did the same as tyler but with nike sneakers instead of vans.

"i can be your sugar daddy."

"you? topping? in your dreams honey," josh pat tyler on the back before exiting the house and walking down the front steps and across his driveway.

"true," tyler giggled, catching up to josh. "i don't have the money to be a sugar daddy either, so it wouldn't work out anyways."

josh laughed and shook his head but didn't say anything in response. as they walked along next to each other their hands brushed together a few times. tyler hesitantly laced his fingers with josh's, worried he would scare the red head off. but when he just looked over and smiled at tyler a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"you're really cute, did you know that tyler?"

tyler's cheeks burned red and he leaned over to press a kiss on josh's cheek.

"you are too," he smiled, swaying his and josh's hand back and forth. he skipped a bit as they walked, an unfamiliar giddy feeling taking over his body with the compliment.

"so, where exactly is our destination?" josh asked as tyler pulled him into a trail through the woods that led to god knows where.

"no where. i'm taking you out here so i can kill you," tyler joked and ducked under some tree branches that were hanging down across the path.

"how romantic."

"i'm all about romance."

"but in all seriousness, where does this trail take us?" josh questioned, stumbling a bit as tyler pulled him along the uneven ground.

"i'm not sure," tyler admitted slowing down a bit when the trail became a bit steeper so neither of them would fall.

"what happens if we get lost?"

"that's a good question," tyler said, smiling brightly as he turned back to look at josh.

they continued walking for a while, following the path in curiosity of where it would take them. after an hour or so of walking the trail came to a dead end at a wall of trees, tyler groaning in disappointment at the outcome.

"well that was anticlimactic," tyler sighed.

"it was very scenic though, lots of nice trees and flowers, also the view of your butt was pretty good," josh smirked as tyler playfully scoffed and hit his arm.

"can you go one minute without trying to hit on me?"

"i wasn't trying to hit on you! i was just telling the truth."

"whatever helps you sleep at night," tyler teased as he and josh weaved their way through the path that led them out of the forest and back to the street they lived on. the brunette tugged on josh's hand as he ran up to his own house and got the key from the plant on his front steps, unlocking the door and entering the house.

"why are we at your place?"

"thought we'd switch it up a bit," tyler said, halting josh and walking behind him so his chest was pressed against his back. he wrapped his arms around josh's neck and tugged him down to his height.

"tyler what are you- shit, warn a guy next time," josh choked out and he stumbled forwards as tyler jumped up on his back so he was being carried piggyback by josh.

"up to my room, trusty steed."

"ty, i'm not gonna give you a piggyback ride up the stairs to your room."

"yes you are."

"no, i'm not."

"please josh? pretty please with a cherry on top?" tyler whined, tugging on josh's shirt in annoyance.

"i said no."




the outside of my ear really hurts and i have no clue what i did to it please help me

also, i need to pee but i'm in bed and i don't wanna get up sos

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