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"so tyler, how are you and brendon doing?"

"hm? oh, we're good." tyler gave debby a smile through his pursed lips, his voice soft and hushed as he spoke.

"are you alright? you've been very quiet today," debby asked, concern lacing through her words. she looked at him as if she was saying 'you can talk to me' but tyler was in no way, shape, or form about to tell her that he was guilty because her boyfriend was cheating on her with him.

"i'm fine, it's nothing. don't worry about it," tyler assured her and she nodded at him, her eyes bright and filled with happiness. tyler felt horrible for what he was doing to her. each moment that he spent with her just made his guilt grow. she didn't suspect a thing and was only kind to tyler, but how does he return it? by hooking up with her boyfriend. how nice.

"we should go shopping together!" debby chirped, interrupting tyler's thoughts of self pity. his head shot up towards her and his eyes were wide with surprise.

"yeah! sure, sounds great!"


after the two got lunch at the food court they walked around the mall, looking for a store to go into. they stopped in forever 21, urban outfitters, h&m, pacsun, and sephora, each of them getting a few things from each store (debby made tyler buy a few lipsticks that he liked the color of). they walked out of the makeup store with each of their faces covered in various types of makeup; debby did tyler's makeup for him since he had no clue what he was doing.

"you're prettier than me tyler!" debby laughed as she observed tyler. he was wearing a matte mauve lipstick, his eyeliner perfectly winged and his eyelashes covered in a coat of mascara.

"oh hush, you're beautiful," tyler scoffed playfully. "so, where to next?"

"i was thinking we could go to victoria's secret, but if it makes you uncomfortable or anything we don't have to," debby suggested.

"yeah, of course!"

debby grabbed tyler's hand and pulled him into the store, the both of them skimming over the wide variety of lingerie. she gasped and walked to the sale display as she grabbed many pairs of underwear, leaving tyler to awkwardly stand alone while he got dirty looks from the people around him.

"excuse me sir, are you here to buy or are you just going to stand there?" a worker rudely asked, eyeing tyler up and down. she must've not seen tyler walk in with debby and assumed he was alone.

"i, uh, i'm buying stuff!" tyler rushed out, kneeling down next to debby with a panicked expression on his face. "what am i supposed to do?"

"i don't know! just buy something!"

tyler huffed but did as told, searching through the drawers with his size as he picked out five pairs for the sale that was going on. he walked up to the counter to checkout his items, sliding them to the cashier silently.

"that'll be 27 dollars." she smiled, taking the cash from tyler as he handed it to her. she stuffed the underwear into a bag and put pink tissue paper in along with it. she gave him the bag and he timidly took it from her, giving a small 'thanks' as he met debby outside of the store.

"that was the most mortifying experience of my life, i have no clue what i'm going to do with those," tyler said as he sorted sorted through the bag.

"what size did you get? if it's my size i'll take them and pay you back," she shrugged.

"i got large."

"oh, that's too big for me. tough luck, bud," she teased as she linked her arm with tyler's and the pair walked out of the mall.


debby had dropped tyler off at his house a little before her shift at work started. as he sat alone in his kitchen he couldn't help but stare at the victoria's secret bag in contemplation. maybe he would just try them to see how they looked, he did spend the money on them after all. he wouldn't want them to go to waste.

first he tried on a pair of plain black ones with white lace trimming, doing a full 360 in the mirror to see how they fit. they were snug around all the right places and complimented his butt very nicely, and he had to admit that they were comfortable too.

he went on with this until he came down to the last pair; the most risqué of the ones he bought. he smiled at himself in the mirror and took a few pictures, content with how he looked.

he pulled his phone out with a mischievous smirk as an idea popped into his head.


tyler: got some new stuff today, what do you think?

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tyler: got some new stuff today, what do you think?


i'm hungry

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