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debby and josh invited tyler and brendon over to swim, considering it was a very hot day, but as the fake couple entered the house they noticed debby wasn't there.

"she just had to leave, sorry. being a nurse is a busy job," josh answered their unspoken question and tyler nodded in response, shrugging as he began to walk out to the pool. brendon trailed behind as josh jogged to catch up with tyler, the younger boy laughing at something josh had said.

"so josh, debby just randomly got called into work right before we came over? what a coincidence!" brendon commented, knowing that tyler would be too oblivious to notice that josh had most likely planned this out.

"yeah! weird right?" josh chuckled as he nervously scratched the back of his neck and shot brendon a warning glare.

"oh yeah, so weird," brendon nodded and tyler looked at him in confusion.

"you're acting odd brendon," tyler pointed out, his eyes flickering between josh and brendon as they stared each other down.

"don't be an idiot tyler, this didn't happen randomly," brendon rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"what do you mean?" tyler furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at josh for an answer.

"i knew debby wasn't going to be home," josh admitted, causing brendon to smirk as he was right.

"well you could've just said so, silly!" tyler giggled and jumped into the pool, giving brendon and josh expectant looks as he waited for them to join him.

josh walked in from the stairs and swam to tyler in the deep end, a large smile taking over his features as he took in the way tyler's eyelashes clumped together from the water and how his skin shone against the reflection of the pool.

"i wanted to talk to you two, without debby though," josh said, gaining the attention of the two other boys.

"go ahead," brendon shrugged in curiosity.

"well, first, i wanted to thank brendon for helping," josh looked at brendon who gave him a thumbs up. "that's all i needed you here for though, brendon. you can leave now."

brendon shrugged and waved goodbye, walking out of the yard from the fence and disappearing into his car as he drove away.

"what did you want to talk to me about?" tyler asked, his doe eyes peering up to josh. the red head held tyler's hips and rubbed small circles onto the exposed skin, a blush spreading across tyler's face.

"nothing, i just wanted an excuse to see you," josh whispered and leaned forward to kiss tyler, the smaller boy melting into josh's chest as their lips met.

"you don't need an excuse to see me," tyler giggled, backing away so he was pressed against the wall. he pushed himself up so he was sitting on the edge of the pool and josh swam over, standing between his legs so they were face to face.

"i know, i just- i don't know," josh sighed, chuckling as tyler buried his head the crook of his neck and kissed the expanse of the pale skin.

"i get it," he giggled, standing up from the ledge and walking to a chair that was pulled up next to the table. josh got out of the water and followed behind, sitting down as tyler pulled out the seat for him. tyler sat in josh's lap, their chests pressed together as he straddled the older man.

"i wanna try something," josh mumbled, his hands trailing down tyler's back and resting above the hem of his swimming trunks. "can i?"

tyler nodded, his breath hitching as josh slid his hand into his bathing suit, his fingers kneading the plump skin gently. he took his hand out and placed three of his fingers against tyler's mouth.


tyler did as he was told and opened his mouth, sucking on josh's fingers as his mind raced with thoughts of where this was going. josh brought his hand out of tyler's lips and back into his trunks, his index finger circling tyler's entrance teasingly.

"tell me what you like, i want to make you feel good," josh growled as he slid one finger into tyler, stopping his movements once it was completely in. tyler breathed heavily as he adjusted but the uncomfortable feeling was gone as quickly as it came. he pushed back against josh's finger with a loud whine.

"another, p-please."

josh obeyed and added a second finger, once again letting tyler adjust. after a few moments he began thrusting his fingers in and out, scissoring them as he tried to reach different spots. tyler cried out a loud moan and josh assumed he had hit tyler's sweet spot.

"tell me where it felt good baby."

josh pushed a third finger in and he angled them, trying to hit the spot again.

"t-there! oh god- fuck- right there," tyler whimpered as he grinded back against josh's fingers, his breathing ragged as the pleasure overwhelmed his system.

"how does that make you feel?"

"s-so good, so fucking good."

josh's fingers thrusted faster and tyler's moans became louder and more frequent, josh assuming he was close.

"i'm gonna-"

"not until i say so," josh ordered reaching his other hand around to grip tyler's cock, his fist pumping in time with his fingers. he knew tyler wouldn't last much longer, but he enjoyed seeing him needy and vulnerable. he thumbed at tyler's slit, spreading the precum around as it continued to leak out.

"please, j-josh, i can't last longer."

"yes you can babe, and you will."

tears pooled in tyler's eyes from all of the pleasure as the throbbing heat in between his thighs bubbled up.

"now," josh whispered but it was all tyler needed to hear.

"josh! oh my god, fuck, da- josh," tyler moaned, his voice cracking as the tears slid down his cheeks and his back arched. he pushed back against josh's hand a few more times and rode his high out before he felt josh slip his fingers out of him, his other hand pulling out of his swim suit as well.

"i was right, you did sound really hot screaming my name," josh smirked, picking tyler up as the brunette slumped against him in exhaustion, his legs and arms wrapped against josh as his head rested on his chest.

"let's get you a something clean to wear."


this is pretty cringey oh well

i'm so tired and hungry i feel like i've been dragged out of the depths of hell and thrown back in deeper

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