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tyler felt nauseous as he crawled back into bed with brendon, tapping the dark haired boy on the shoulder a few times to wake him up. brendon groggily turned his head to face the source of what woke him up and he smiled fondly at the small boy who sat crisscross applesauce on top of the bed.

"hi, babe." he sat upright and took tyler's hands in his own, kissing each knuckle before he held them in the space between them. "is everything okay?"

tyler took a deep breath and his lips trembled as he dreaded what he was going to say. "no, it's not. i'm an asshole and you deserve so much better."

"why do you say that?" he whispered, the quiet words lingering in the air that surrounded tyler.

"i can't be in a relationship with you, i'm so sorry. i'm so fucking sorry, brendon." tyler's voice was hoarse by the time he finished his sentence and as he made eye contact with brendon he felt as though he was being stabbed in the heart with a knife. tears trickled down the raven haired man's cheeks and he looked so hurt, so betrayed, and tyler felt horrible. there was another emotion buried deep in his eyes, one that tyler couldn't read.

"is it josh?" he croaked out and tyler nodded his head shamefully. brendon chuckled a bit, "i saw this coming. it's okay, tyler. the few weeks that we spent together were some of the best and i'll never forget what we had. i just want what's best for you and if you feel like that's josh, then go. nothing's holding you back."

tyler smiled and he felt warm and happy despite what had just happened. brendon truly was a special guy, and although he hates himself for what he did, brendon's forgiveness is all that mattered.

"thank you, brendon. i don't know where to start."

"how about you start by finally getting what's yours?"


double update???? woahhhh

i think the next chapter will be the last so i'm going to make it extra long. i'm sad to see it come to an end though :((

once i finish this i'm gonna post a bryler fic so for any of you who are #teambrendon do not fear bc i will deliver all the bryler that you never knew you needed in your life

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