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josh: hey ty, you said that i should text you so hello

tyler: sorry about earlier i just didn't want debby to see you and get upset

josh: don't worry it's totally fine

josh:i'm sorry for being an ass about things before

tyler: i forgive you, but i don't think debby is on the same page

josh: i don't blame her, i'm pretty mad at myself too

tyler: don't say that! you may have messed up but it's done and over with and you can't let yourself dwell on it :)) at least you still have me

josh: i'm super grateful for that, thank you ty

josh: do you want to come over so we can talk a bit more?

tyler: yeah :)) i'll tell debby that i'm going to brendon's or something. i'll see you in a few

josh felt like a nervous school girl as he checked his appearance and made sure he smelled okay, fluffing his hair up a bit as he did so. his hands were shaky and he felt restless as he listened for any sign of tyler's arrival.

the doorbell rang and josh bolted down his stairs and to the front door, opening it up to reveal the small brunette. josh was taken aback by his choice of clothing, but in a good way, of course. tyler was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of jean shorts, sheer, black thigh high socks adorning his legs. tyler looked confused about josh's reaction at first but his eyes trailed down to his outfit and he immediately began to panic.

"oh god, i completely forgot i was wearing this. i left the house without even thinking, i'll go change. i'll be right ba-"

"tyler, calm down. you look great, okay? just come inside." josh chuckled as tyler meekly nodded and covered his face with his hands in attempt to hide his burning cheeks. they sat down at the kitchen table and it was silent for a few moments, the two sharing longing eye contact.

"i'm sorry i freaked out, i'm just not used to people seeing me like this." tyler's voice was just loud enough to be heard, embarrassment flooding through his veins.

"you should know i don't mind, even though i've only seen you wear more feminine clothes once before i like when you dress like that." josh reached over the table to hold tyler's hand. their fingers tangled together and josh rubbed soothing circles onto his knuckles, a comforting action that had tyler melting in his seat.

"i know, but i can't help but worry. brendon really likes when i wear feminine clothes and he encourages it which makes me really happy but i've gotten so used to wearing it around him or at home that i sometimes i forget to change before i leave." tyler shrugged and scootched his chair closer to josh's leaning into the yellow haired man as his stomach erupted with butterflies. he didn't like the feeling, because it was the same one he experienced with brendon, but this time it was stronger. the butterflies felt more like a stampede of elephants, rattling his insides and jumbling up his mind.

"it's all right, ty, no biggie. you look really good if it makes you feel any better." josh reached his arm around the brunette and pulled him closer into his side.

"yeah, that does make me feel a little better. thank you." tyler's impulsive side got the best of him and he leaned up, pressing a chaste kiss onto josh's cheek. josh was surprised but extremely elated, knowing that his plan was working and he wasn't very far from his end goal.


kinda short again sorry! i'm just exhausted and in a lot of pain soz

also some of you guys expressed a liking towards tyler and brendon and i started to like it a lot too so i'm thinking of writing a bryler fic :))) would any of you guys read it?

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