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"so he kicked you out after you kissed him?"

"basically, yeah."

"yikes, he's even more denial than i thought."

"shut up melanie," tyler groaned as he pushed past the small girl and stomped into his house. he trudged up the stairs and into his room, pulling off the outfit melanie had chosen and slipping into a pair of sweatpants instead. he sat at the edge of his bed and buried his face into his hands, trying his best not to scream in annoyance.

"oh lighten up a bit you big grump!" melanie teased as she lightly punched tyler's shoulder. he shooed her hand away and crossed his arms over his chest, huffing loudly as he turned away from her.

"lighten up? i just made a fool out of myself!"

"he probably liked it," melanie giggled, standing up and gathering her clothes off of the floor where tyler dropped them. "if you're gonna be like this i'm gonna go, call me when you get that cactus out of your ass."

she skipped out of the room and shortly after tyler heard his front door slam shut. he stood up from his bed and made his way downstairs, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a pint of ice cream out of his freezer. he sat on his couch and turned netflix on as he decided to watch bob's burgers. it was going to be a long night.


tyler stood outside in his bathing suit, a bucket of ice tight in his grasp as he prepared himself for the cold it was about to bring. it was 103° and he was not about to ask josh if he could go swimming, but he was also not about to die from overheating. as he struggled to lift the bucket over his head he heard small giggles coming from the opposite side of the fence. he set the ice down and tip-toed over to the fence, peering over to the other side to see josh and a girl with honey colored hair laying on a pool float together. tyler assumed that the girl was debby by the close proximity the two were cuddling at.

he shrugged to himself and walked back over to his bucket, gripping the handles tightly. tyler lifted it up with shaky arms and right as he was about to turn it over his hand slipped from where it was holding, causing the whole thing to fall onto his head with a loud thud. he toppled to the ground alongside the bucket from the force it hit him and he let out a yelp of pain as he held onto his throbbing head. he went to sit up but his vision started blurring and he was sure he must've gotten a concussion.

tyler began to panic as he realized that he was stuck there until someone found him, which could be years for all he knew. what if he died there? he couldn't stand up which meant that he wasn't able to get his phone to call for help; he was basically left to die. a plan quickly formed in his mind as he heard more laughing coming from josh's pool.

"help! please, somebody help me!" tyler yelled out in hopes to get his neighbor's attention, internally praying that josh wasn't a big enough asshole to ignore his pleas.

tyler's prayers were answered as josh and debby rushed over the fence to him, staring down in confusion at the sight of the boy curled up on the ground clutching his head with a bucket and ice sprawled out around him.

"holy shit tyler, are you okay?" josh questioned as he stifled his laughter and kneeled down next to the injured boy.

"i think i have a concussion, take me to the hospital," tyler groaned. "i'll explain later, just please find a way to get me to your car so i can get looked at by a professional."

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