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brendon's movements ceased as he felt a pang of disappointment hit him. of course, tyler didn't really want to kiss him. he knew that the kiss was merely a way to get his mind off of josh for tyler, but he couldn't help the bubbling hope that tyler would feel the connection as well.

"i-i think that's e-enough," brendon awkwardly chucked and lightly pushed the small boy off of his lap.

"boo hoo, you're no fun," tyler slurred and stuck his tongue out in a playful manner. nonetheless, he retreated back to his spot in the circle. it wasn't much of a circle anymore, seeing as though debby and melanie were on their backs, passed out as tiny snores escaped their mouths.

"we should probably get some sleep, tyler," brendon mumbled and tyler groaned but ultimately was quick to fall asleep once his head hit the carpeted floor.

brendon lay awake, his thoughts swimming in his mind and keeping him from peace. tyler deserved someone better than josh, and brendon was set on proving it to him.


tyler woke up with a pounding headache, gripping the sides of his head as he buried it farther into the pillow. the light burned his eyes as they opened and he warily stood up, stumbling into his kitchen in search for advil. he poured two pills into the palm of his hand and he popped them into his mouth, swallowing them dry.

he was startled and a high pitched squeak left his mouth as he heard someone clear their throat. he swung around and was met with brendon, the dark haired boy meekly smiling at tyler.

"oh, hey bren," tyler greeted, turning back around to make himself breakfast. "what'd'ya want to eat?"

"i'll have whatever you're having." brendon shuffled over to the island situated in the middle of the kitchen, sitting on a stool and leaning against the granite countertop as he admired the way tyler's expressions changed as he started preparing breakfast.

"i was planning on having reece's puffs, is that okay?"

"yeah, that's fine." brendon watched as tyler grabbed the box of cereal and the milk, taking out two bowls and spoons. they each poured themselves a bowl of the cereal and sat down at the island, eating in silence.

"do you remember anything from last night? it's all a blur," tyler chuckled, raising his eyebrows expectantly.

"uh, n-nothing much ha-happened." brendon shrugged and avoided eye contact. he cursed himself for sounding so nervous.

"you don't sound too sure of yourself. c'mon b, you should know i'm not going to judge."

"well, we kind of- we kissed?" brendon awkwardly scratched his neck and finally looked up at tyler. "actually, it was more of a make out type of kiss."

"oh, why didn't y'just say so? what's so bad about that? am i really that bad of a kisser?"

"no! no, not at all. you we're a great kisser!" brendon's cheeks burned red and he wanted the earth to swallow him whole to take him out of his embarrassment. "it's just that you moaned josh's name into the kiss..."

tyler's jaw dropped open and he was disgusted at himself for saying that in his drunken state. he couldn't help himself from feeling bad for brendon; he could sense the hurt in his voice. he thought it was cute how much the older boy became timid in the moment.

"i'm sorry brendon, i wasn't in control of my actions."

"it's alright, don't worry about it. i just don't want you to be with someone like josh, he's not good for you. you deserve much better, tyler."

tyler grinned at the caring words, happy at how evident it was that brendon genuinely liked him. and for the first time since he had met brendon, he realized just how attractive his new friend really was.


y'all should thank hannah aka DunWithAllTheseHoes bc she said i should update this so here it is

i hope you guys are doing well and that you had a good weekend :))

in driver's ed today i walked to the CVS near the building and i got mango juice and half baked ice cream and it was really good but the annoying boys behind me were trying to start a conversation with me about ice cream and they were lowkey flirting with me but i was >:( bc i was trying to enjoy my ice cream in peace

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