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tyler was shocked when melanie and brendon showed up at his door with three six-packs of beer. he denied the countless offers of the alcoholic beverage but as the night went on one sip turned into a bottle, which turned into two bottles, and so on until melanie stopped him after four bottles.

his body buzzed and everything seemed distant, but in the best kind of way. he was filled with euphoria; something he had never experienced in this context. contagious giggles bubbled past his lips, his friends amused as they joined his laughter.

loud music boomed throughout the living room, the familiar sound of "sex yeah" by marina and the diamonds filling the open space that surrounded the drunken friends.

melanie gasped, the attention turning to her as she spoke, "we should play truth or dare."

"oh, oh, oh! me first," tyler slurred and raised his hand up high, waving it around in eagerness. the group nodded and waited for him to call on someone. "brendon! do you choose truth, or dare?"

"uh," brendon trailed off in thought, "dare."

tyler giggled, "let's make out."

brendon's eyes widened and his cheeks tinted rosace, his heart beating a million miles an hour as he pushed his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose. although he knew tyler wasn't aware of the situation he couldn't help the anticipation he got with the idea of kissing the brunette he had a slight crush on. yes, they had kissed before, but it was a short "no homo" type of kiss, unlike this one.

"o-okay," brendon squeaked out, clearing his throat a bit as tyler scootched closer. he had built up a tolerance for alcohol over time and was the most sober of the group, becoming obvious as he was the only one reacting to the situation. the small boy crawled into brendon's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck, the two leaning forward and connecting their lips.

brendon was overflowing with happiness as he tasted the sweet lips he had been dreaming about ever since the night they kissed to make josh jealous. he savored every movement their mouths made, wanting it to be slow and intimate. tyler seemed to have other plans, though.

he moved his lips feverishly against brendon's and was quick to slip his tongue into the mouth of the dark haired boy, taking him off guard. he tangled his slender fingers in the raven locks, tugging lightly as brendon groaned. this wasn't what he pictured his first real kiss with tyler to be like, but he couldn't care less once their lips melded together. his large hands trailed down tyler's back, gripping his butt and massaging the skin gently.

brendon's confidence boosted when the brunette released a quiet whimper, but it didn't last long as he heard what was mixed into tyler's whines;



i wrote this while listening to marina and the diamonds and eating dominos pizza (i asked for breadsticks too but my mom got me the parmesean garlic bites instead and i'm sad bc i really wanted breadsticks)

i saw (and met) waterparks last week and i also saw p!atd over the weekend but this week is going by so slowly i'm exhausted (and hungry bc i want the fucking breadsticks)

how are you guys? did you smile today? bc you really should smile more, you have a beautiful smile. and did you laugh at all? bc your laugh is the sweetest sound. if you didn't laugh or smile you can dm me and i will send you memes and pictures of baby animals bc i love you and you deserve to be happy.

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