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tyler furrowed his eyebrows as his doorbell rang, standing up from the couch as he skipped to the front hall and looked through the peephole. he was taken aback with the sight of debby standing on his steps, eyes puffy and cheeks blotchy as tears streamed down them. he was quick to let her in and she immediately pulled him in for a hug.

"is it true?" she whispered, her face buried into his neck as she cried.

"is what true?"

"you and josh."

tyler didn't know how to respond. did josh tell her? was she just guessing? how did she know?

"i'm so sorry debby." that was all he could say. it was the only thing he deemed appropriate for the situation.

"he said that he pursued you, and that you were hesitant because you didn't want to hurt me. is that true too?"

"yes. i don't know why i agreed, i felt horrible. i still feel horrible. you don't deserve this debby. i am so sorry."

she sniffled a bit before she pulled away from the hug and smiled weakly at him.

"it's not your fault tyler. i know this may seem weird, considering everything that has happened, but i need somewhere to stay and i wanted to know if you had any extra space here. if not it's totally fine, i can just-"

"of course you can stay here! if it's not awkward for you then it's not awkward for me," he giggled, exchanging another hug with the girl. she went out to her car and grabbed her bag that she packed with necessities, following tyler as he led her to the guest room.

the two talked for hours. they sorted out everything with josh and each decided that until he could make up his mind neither of them would so much as make eye contact with him. they also agreed that no matter who he chose they wouldn't let it get in between their friendship.

a harsh knock on tyler's back door interrupted their conversation. neither of them had time to stand up before josh was inside the house.

"tyler, i need to fuck you. it's going to be rough, and kinky, and-"

he halted as he entered the living room, stopping himself as tyler sat on the couch with debby. the two glared daggers at him and shared a few quiet whispers before they sent him sarcastic smiles.

"oh, hey josh! what were you saying?" tyler sneered. "you want to what?"

"i'm leaving now," he rushed out.

"nuh-uh, not so fast."

josh mumbled a quiet 'shit' and awaited the harsh words he knew were to come.

"you really have some nerve to come here and say that not even two hours after your girlfriend walked out on you. even if she wasn't here i still wouldn't want you coming in here saying that to me," tyler scoffed, his gaze harshly following josh as the red head turned away.

with that josh was quickly out of the house, leaving tyler and debby in complete awe over the fact that he had the audacity to do that.

"you should invite brendon over tonight, i miss him," debby laughed, a teasing pout playing on her lips.

"that's not a bad idea."


i'm exhausted and i don't really like this chapter bc i feel like everyone's emotions are almost as unstable as my own but oh well

i had a pretty good day though and i hope you did too :))
-carina (who can legally drive now)

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