four - peculiar

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lois: thin brown hair, blue eyes (idk if i clarified this.

pronounced: low - iss

  They stayed on that road for a while and the serenity flickered out of her like someone had smothered a flame. she could feel something was wrong and one look at Enoch's face told her she wasn't alone. She had opened her mouth to tell him that they should probably settle in the forest when she felt something hit the back if her head and a startling blackness as she fell.

   When Lois slowly opened her eyes she blinked a bit till everything came in to focus. The back of her head throbbed and her hands and ankles were bound and she was gagged so she couldn't cry out. She seemed to be sitting in the back of a (fortunately not moving) van. Enoch was beside her and in the same position, but he was still out cold.

That was when the brown haired girl noticed that the doors were opened and a middle aged women with a small knife was chopping away Enoch's ropes as his eyes flittered open. The woman moved onto Lois' ropes and she motioned for the two to follow. Enoch and Lois didn't have much of a choice but to do so.

The trio walked for what seemed like forever and Enoch and Lois cast many nervous glances towards each other. At one point Enoch grabbed Lois's hand. Or maybe it was Lois who grabbed Enoch's hand. Either way it made her feel as safe as one could in a situation like this. Suddenly the abruptly woman stopped. Lois saw they were in a seemingly abandoned church. Then they kept walking. She pushed open the doors and led her way to another door. She walked briskly through the room to another door and opened it. They came out the back of the church, only to keep walking through the woods.

Then they approached a house. It was huge and the lights were on. More of a children's home than a house. Lois realized how none of them had talked the entire time. So they approached the house and once they were in, they saw a small room with some couches and a table. The woman sat, as did Enoch and Lois.

"I'm Miss Owl. Pleased to meet you." She said. She was tall and lanky with ginger hair that was graying slightly.freckled splattered her face and made her look young. She had sharp but soft hazel eyes.

"I'm Lois. This is Enoch." She said.

"Well, I'll cut to the chase. You are peculiar. You have special, unique abilities that others do not have. Because of this, the world is a danger to you.

And I, am an ymbryne. I can turn into a bird, an owl specifically, and I create time loops. 24-hour segments of time on a loop. When in a loop, you do not age but the days catch up with you if you ever leave a loop.

The purpose of loops is safety. They are hidden and not only keep us safe from normals, but from monsters. Hollowgasts, hollows for short, are invisible monsters whom hunt peculiar folk. Once they eat enough peculiars, they turn into wights. Wights are in human form but have solid white eyes. Hollows can not enter loops, but wights can, which is why they are hidden.

There are many more of us in this world. Ymbrynes, Peculiars, Wights, and Hollows. Questions?"

"Does peculiarity run in families?" Enoch asked.

"Sometimes, but not often." She said.

"Are there other peculiars that live in this house with you?" Lois asked. She had set out to find her kind, and she found a but more than she bargained for.

"Of course, eight other, but its late, and you can meet them tomorrow." She said, then got up and brushed off her skirt and called someone.

"Miss Harper! Would you please escort our new wards to their rooms." There were footsteps and a girl of 16 opened the door. She had jet black hair and grey eyes and pale skin. She wore thick leather gloves and though she may look scary, she had the kindest smile.

She nodded to the ymbryne and led Lois and Enoch to their rooms.

"Hello", she whispered, "My name is Lawson. The headmistress explained everything about loops and aging? Yeah, I've been here for 63 years. Miss Owl says that maybe one day, if I ever start to loose my mind in this old loop, as lovely as it is, I could go to another loop. Maybe a newer one with not many peculiars. I don't know though, I like this old loop. Anyway, my peculiarity is something 8'd never loose unless fighting wights or hollows. If I touch something living with my hands, it will die. Fortunately, i'm not sure if it works on humans. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Oh, well, you, "she pointed to Lois "will sleep in here and the boy can sleep in that room. Goodnight." She waved and cast an angelic smile at the pair and turned away.


"Peculiar, huh?" Enoch said quietly.

"Yeah. This is a lot to take in. It's so much more than I expected."

"What with wights and hollows and all of this. Its incredible."


And with that, the pair sauntered into their own rooms and contemplated all they'd just learned.

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