eight - happy ending

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The Peculiar world and its characters belongs to Ransom Riggs.

enochs pov woo!

To Enoch, Lois was his best friend. That was evident to everyone. Lois was home to Enoch.

Being in love with Lois was like reading a book you love and being so captivated by it that you do nothing else but turn the pages and see what happens next. But you hold on to the fear that the book will end and starting it again won't be the same as when you first read it. For Enoch, loving the book was loving Lois. Her blue eyes were like a warm breeze and walking barefoot on a beach. But the fear of a book ending, was the fear that once he fell in love, he would fall out of it. But Enoch was so in love he felt like he was willing to take the chance. If you love a book enough, it doesn't get old, and Enoch loved her more than he ever would love some dusty old book.

Sometimes he thought he was the complete opposite of her. He was all thunderstorms and creaky floorboards. She was the smell of rain and a warm breeze. Sometimes he thought they wouldn't work together romantically. Soon enough, he realized how wrong he was.


"You need to stop being so pessimistic. The world is full of wonderful things," she said to him one day when the two were outside watching the sunset.

"Like what?" Enoch had responded.

"Like sunsets, and art, and ice cream, friendships, chocolate, books, love." She said, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.

"But what about wights and hollows? Sickness and death and selfish people. The world isn't perfect, Lois."

"I know. Life isn't perfect. I know there are bad things in the world but love always conquers hate," Lois said with a crooked smile and he saw all her crooked teeth, pink lips, and freckles.

"Do you ever read books with sad endings. God, you practically glow. You're a fairytale. If you were a Normal i'm sure you'd probably grow up and be a princess, fall in love with some pretty prince and have a happy ending of your own," he said. If you were a Normal we would have never met, he thought but didn't say.

"Life is a lot happier when you look on the bright side," she said, pushing her thin brown hair out of her eyes to look at him better.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm sure i'll get a wonderful little happy ending of my own sometime. As will everyone else that so dearly wishes for a happy ending," he said while rolling his eyes.

"Aw, come on, don't be like that. Don't you want a happy ending?" She said, pushing his shoulders a bit.

"Well, I guess, but just assuming i'm gonna get one makes no sense. No need to let myself get my hopes up." He said, shrugging.

Lois stared at him with those eyes bluer than the sky. He felt his brown eyes wanting to look away because of the intensity of her gaze but refrained and stared right back. Before he could register what was happening a pair of lips were on his and he was so shocked that for a moment he forgot to move.

But then he realized. Lois Lily Mills just kissed him. So he kissed back.

It was short and innocent. All he could've asked for though. They seemed to throw in every emotion they had for each other. Lois brought her hands to the sides of Enoch's face and slowly it ended. Lois pulled back and stared at him. Fear. The only time that Enoch registered fear in her eyes was now. Her hands shook and she blinked.

"I think i'm in love with you." That was a lie. He knew he was in love with her.

"I love you, too." She whispered with so much emotion in her eyes that Enoch could've cried.

And he smiled. It wasn't forced or small or smug. It was a smile. One he saved only for Lois. His eyes twinkled and Lois just smiled back.

Right then he realized that if he died the next day, if he lost every possession he had, if the hollows got him, or any other sad ending he could possibly think of, it would be okay. Because right here, with the sun setting and Lois right here, he realized he already had a happy ending and that if he lost everything but still had Lois he'd be alright.


The peculiars noticed. Lawson noticed first. Well, actually, it was Miss Owl but she didn't say anything about it. Lawson was the first to speak up on it.

"Uh- don't you two want to maybe share some news with us?" Lawson said, her eyes darting from Lois, to Enoch, to their intertwined hands from across the school desks they used during Miss Owl's lessons.

"What do you mean?" Lois feigned confusion.

"Um, well you two seem like, I dunno, like you're together now. Like, partners, I mean," Seth said, glancing at Lawson.

"Oh, well yeah, we're a couple now. We guessed you'd figure it out eventually." Enoch shrugged, continuing to flip the pages of his book.

Artemis just threw her hands in the air in exasperation. "What?" She said, "You can't do that, you know."

"I think we just did." Lois replied with a smug little smile. Before anybody could respond Miss Owl walked in and began the lesson on the history of peculiarity.


The next few weeks Enoch felt like he was dreaming. They held hands a lot. Enoch smiled a lot more. Lois did too. They made each other happier than they could have ever been. Enoch started to be believe in happy endings.

But something ruined all of this, not even a week later.

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