fourteen - depressing déjà vu

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sup babes how is ur life going
I want summer to happen so enjoy that pic up there yay

The door creaked open. Lois looked up to see the girl with green eyes and black hair at the door. Lawson wore black pants and a tattered t-shirt, littered with small holes in the fabric. She smiled kindly at her, coming to sit next to her on the bed.

"How are you holding up?" she asked, flipping back messy black hair that matched her gloves.

"Better. My head doesn't hurt as much," responded Lois.

Lawson gestured to the book in her hands with a smile. "I love the Tales, which is your favorite?" she asked.

"So far I think my favorite is the Library of Souls. It's just such a cool idea, you know? I don't think I actually believe peculiars have like, real, tangible souls, though," she finished.

"Thats a favorite of mine, too. I think I believe the thing about peculiars having second souls. I don't believe in Abaton or the library, but its a cool idea," said Lawson, green eyes glittering. I lazy grin made its way on to her face and Lois felt herself smiling back.

"Well, I figured you'd maybe want to know a bit about some of us," the black haired girl said.

"Okay," Lois said, shifting to face her.

"For starters, my peculiarity as that I kill everything I touch. I don't like it, but I guess it shows not all peculiarities are beneficial. Kinda like "The Girl Who Could Tame Nightmares". Anyway, I was born on the twenty-fourth of May. My parents names were Beth and William. My dad died a year after I was born and it really affected my mom. She was okay, just a bit distant. And I started discovering that ever plant or bug or living that I touched with my hands would die. I refrained from going near anybody. My mom found out and she freaked. She homeschooled me, made me sit at the far end of the room and she didn't like being in the same room as me unless necessary. Mom started drinking too. Locked me in my own room, usually. Told me I was worthless. Well, word got around the town about me and my mom. Eventually I was run off from the place, accused of witchcraft. When normals get scared they attack. When Miss Owl found me, it was miles off, hitching a ride on some carriage I wasn't supposed to be in. So I was at the loop for years after that. I was an outsider until you came along. We were best friends and for once in my life I was happy," Lawson said and she smiled so kindly that Lois didn't feel guilty. She felt warm and she understood completely why she had liked this girl so much.

"And here is my story, my dear," Lois said, sitting up straight with a silly face and pushing the imaginary glasses up her nose. "Well, where do I begin? Ah, yes a few hours ago I woke up and you basically know everything from there," joked Lois, who shared one look with her friend before snickering, which led to both girls leaning on the other laughing. Maybe they were delusional and happy that the other girl was happy. But they were still giggling when the door opened and there stood one of the boys from the loop who was usually a blonde with blue eyes had rainbow hair and purple eyes. He looked at them for a few seconds before closing the door and walking out again.

When the girls had regained their composure, Lawson asked "How is your head feeling, Lo?"

"Better. Peculiar medicine and all I guess," she said, nodding.

"Wanna go outside and actually meet the others?" asked Lawson, to which the brown haired girl nodded and soon both of them were on there way. The kids were scattered about, all doing their own thing.

Lawson stepped away from Lois, slipped a glove off and made a whistle with her fingers, shrill enough to make all the peculiars swivel their heads towards her. Many of the faces brightened at Lois.

"Okay, get your butts over here and only talk to Lo when its your turn!" She shouted, slipping the bulky glove once again over her pretty, pale hands. The kids listened, running up to stand in a line and looked expectantly at Lawson.

"Say your name and demonstrate your peculiarity," Lawson said and they all did as told. Lois forgot most of their names but the show was entertaining. It took her mind of things.

So Lois slowly made her way back into the family. She felt happy, but it was a depressing déjà vu for the other peculiars.

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