fifteen - Miss Owl is gone

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ft. my picture of my favorite story from tales of the peculiar and a give away chapter title

Nobody saw much of Miss Wren. When she did come down it was to retrieve something or to check on the kids. She didn't answer questions or talk nearly at all, always seeming distracted m. She'd been cooped up there all day and only on the third day did they see her again, an owl perched on her shoulder. The grim look on her face was contagious and the hope in the air flickered out like a candle.

"Come around, children. Well, um- I," the ymbryne stammered, not sure what to say, "I did all that I could but when you brought her to me, she was already slipping away. Not only did she break a wing, but she hit her head and that is why she was stuck in bird form. Forgive me, for I tried all that I could," Miss Wren said, a silent tear slipped down her face but she wiped it away.

Artemis let out a sob. Althea stared dejectedly at the ground and shook her head as ice crept around her legs. Lily and Ella held on to each other as sobs escaped Lily loudly but silent tears fell from Ella. Kids comforted each other and Miss Wren's mellifluous voice fell over them, trying her best to pacify them.

The seen was heartbreaking in itself that Lois did not need to remember Miss Owl, for tears still escaped her blue eyes and she didn't try to stop them.

Miss Owl was gone and faded and there was no escaping the abhorrence of that.

Lawson always seemed strong and held together so the sight made her all the more sad. Horrible sobs racked her body and she kicked at the ground and punched the wall of the cabin and she looked mad but the sadness overtook her and she slumped against the wall and slid down it. She curled up there and it was enough to simply shattered Lois's heart.

The next few days were a blur of teary and blank faces. Nobody dared to ask the next question. Where would they go? Miss Wren couldn't take them. Miss Myna couldn't take them. Lois doubted that a single ymbryne could have room for all of them.

Lawson stayed alone. She sat off to the side and refused to touch anybody, mainly straying off to see the sights the loop had to offer. It broke Lois's heart because she couldn't approach her. It only seemed to make her sadder. Why wouldn't it? Her best friend can't remember her. Lois stayed by herself.


Three days later denial and tears had come to the weary faces of acceptance. The kids were getting agitated and all if them were stalling until Lily just gave up.

She looked around and everybody seeing the look on her face shared glances as if to say "oh no"

"Where are we going to go?" She blurted loudly to Miss Wren, who looked startled.

"Well, y-you-you're going to have to split up," she said shakily.

"What?" Seth asked.

"I'm sorry. Stella, Connor, and Leo will return to Miss Myna. You'll go off in pairs to different loops. A rumor is going around saying the wights have a plan. Too many of you will attract too many of them," she said and it hurt Lois to know that Miss Wren didn't have to explain who them was.

"I already have the ymbryne's. You'll be okay. There's Miss Robin, Miss Dove, Miss Peregrine, and Miss Crow. Don't worry. You'll be okay, loves."

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