five - she felt like herself

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The world of Peculiardom belongs to Ransom Riggs.

I'm gonna make other peculiar stories like this but comment the character you most want it to be about.

Also i hope y'all stayed safe from hurricane matthew, we have power back and everything and thankful have no school til like Thursday.

When Lois woke up the next morning, she almost panicked. It was quite light outside and she didn't remember where she was. It took a while to realize what had happened. To remember what had happened. Peculiar. Ymbryne. Hollowgast. Wight. She didn't know what to make of it. It was so new and weird in her mind. So she slowly crept downstairs to see the girl she met last night. Lawson Harper. Killed whatever her hands touched. Lawson was how she found out the some peculiarities are better to not use. Not all peculiarities are for the better.

So Lois sat by the girl and smiled.

"Hello", Lois said.

"Hello, how did you sleep?" Lawson asked.

"Uh- better than I thought. Its hard to take in." She said.

"Yeah, I remember when I first got here. My parents had just shoved me in an orphanage and Miss Owl came by to adopt me." Lawson said, nostalgia laced within her words.

"Well, anyway, once your boyfriend wakes up-" Lawson started.

"He isn't my boyfriend." Lois interrupted.

"Well he should be but okay. As I was saying, once your not-boyfriend wakes up you'll be able to meet the others."

Lois nodded and took a shaky breath. She could barely focus. Here was a girl that could kill with a brush of her finger tips. Lois herself could control water with her mind. Enoch could give life from one thing to something else. Miss Owl could turn into a bird and control time. She just couldn't fathom what other peculiarities there were.

Enoch walked down the stairs and nearly tripped, earning a suppressed giggle from Lois. More and more kids some young, some old, came down the stairs. Some introduced themselves but others said nothing at all. Some looked odd while others looked like regular kids.

Miss Owl came in and smiled, escorting them all to the dining table. Lawson motioned for Lois to sit by her, and Enoch awkwardly sat beside Lois.

"How did you sleep, loves?" Miss Owl asked in a motherly tone.

"I slept well, thank you, ma'am."

"I did too." Enoch said. Enoch seemed closed off to the group. He kept glancing at Lois and Miss Owl and his hands were fidgeting.

They ate there meal while the others talked a bit. "Are we al finished?" Miss, Owl stood up. "Meet me outside and we can all show Lois and Enoch just what makes us peculiar."


"I am Miss Owl, proud to present my peculiars." Miss Owl promptly stepped back and turned into a bird. Soaring high to the sky and landing back on her perch to watch.

"I'm Matthew. I can bend light." He reached a dark skinned hand up to where the sun was and grabbed a ball of light. The peculiars clapped.

"This is Ella, she can fly. I'm Lily, I can send people to sleep." The pair were the same age of 13. Lily stood behind Ella and soon enough, Ella slumped back into her arms and promptly awoke a moment later. Lily stood there while Ella's feet lifted off the ground and she spun around in the air as she flew upward. She dove downward and stopped above Lily, pulling her up by the hands and soaring. Lily laughed and Ella smiled widely as there feet once again hit the ground.

"I'm Althea. I can create ice."She closed her eyes and the grass around her froze over. She walked silently over to the rest if the peculiars.

(Yes, the Althea we already know about from Ransom Riggs, I just had to include her, ya know?)

"I'm Seth, I can change my appearance." His hair transformed into different colors and his appearance changed. Seth looked to be about 14. He looked older and handsome, but soon enough he was the same blonde haired average looking boy.

A girl appeared where Seth had stood and said "I'm Rory. I teleport." She said. Rory seemed to be the youngest, being around 6. She appeared in a few different places before taking her seat once again.

A boy of 8 years old steps up. "I'm John, I have unnaturally stretchy skin."
He pinched the skin of his arm an it stretched a few inches of his arm.

"I'm Artemis. I have the ability to create forcefields." She stepped back and lifted a hand. A few kids threw rocks at her but they bounced off before even hitting her.

Lawson shakily walked up with a grim look. "I'm Lawson. Everything living thingI touch with my hands dies." She lifted a flower with a gloved hand and shakily slid off the other glove. She touched it, and before her eyes it withered until it was black instead of the bright link it once had been. Lawson dropped it and quickly slid the gloves on.

Miss Owl stepped in front and said, "Now, Lois and Enoch, would you like to show us your peculiarities?"

Lois jumped up and said "I'll need some water." She looked down at Enoch who was staring down and trying to cover his face with his hair. She grabbed him by the arm and yanked him forward. Lawson came back with a bucket of water and set it by Lois.

"You go first." Lois said while watching Enoch with admiration that he just happened not to see.

Enoch searched in his jacket and brought out a small clay man. He picked something else from his jacket pocket and put it in the homunculi. He tapped the figure's heart and it hopped up, walking around on his hands and arms it hopped off his pale hand and toward Lois. She picked it up and giggled as it hopped on her fingers. She handed it back to Enoch who tapped the small man's chest and it fell back (dramatically as a homunculus could) onto his hand.
"I can take life from one thing and give it to something else. Whether it used to be alive, or never was." Enoch said. Lois smiled.

It was her turn. She focused on the water and brought it up out of the bucket. She twirled it around herself. This was easy to her. She just unleashed what had been ingrained in her. Whenever she wasn't using her peculiarity, it felt wrong and weird. But when this water was flowing around her, it was like a new soul had come alive within her.

And she felt a beautiful feeling. One she'd never felt before. With Enoch, Lawson, Miss Owl, and the others, she felt at home. With her peculiarity being unleashed, she wasn't scared of being shunned by these people. She felt a beautiful feeling. She felt like herself.

  @crazychild6025 :  credit for Rory's peculiarity (teleportation) and Artemis (forcefield)

@Septiplier33Markiboy :  credit for Seth's peculiarity (shape shifting)

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