nine - leaving

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The Peculiar world and its characters being to Ransom Riggs.

  "Guys! Come down here, quickly! Its Miss Owl!" Althea's voice sounded from downstairs. Lois made her way down the stairs in confusion. She found Miss Owl, in bird from, and a distressed looking Althea with books laid out in front of her.

"She's stuck in bird from. She broke her wing. We need to get her to another ymbryne," Althea said, looking at all the peculiars that had gathered.

"Well, where's the closest loop?" Artemis said.

"Miss Owl said to go to Miss Wren's menagerie, but since its a bit to far to get there without aging forward, we need to stop at Miss Myna's loop. Miss Myna is to ill to help Miss Owl though, and Miss Wren is on the Council of Ymbrynes, she'll fix her up in no time. The first loop is

"When do we leave?" Lily spoke up.

"Tonight. Pack your things. Keep souvenirs. Say goodbye to our loop. It'll be gone soon enough." She said like every word was a knife in her back.

Lois swallowed. She numbly walked upstairs and gathered all she needed. It brought her back. To when she was packing to go to the funeral home to find more peculiars with Enoch. And her dad, would he be proud? She remembered how Miss Owl saved her from the wights and brought her to the safety of a loop. But Miss Owl will be fine, she was sure of it. They'd get her to Miss Wren soon.

So her memories of before discovering Peculiardom ran through her head while she gathered her things Everything her beloved ymbryne has let be possible. Miss Owl would be okay. She's was sure of that.

She grabbed the bag, the one she cane here with, and packed all she needed. She almost didn't bring it. Her hand hovered over the necklace her mother left her with. She picked up the chain and examined it. It was small and in the shape of a dolphin. She flipped it around in her hand. A locket. Lois had never realized that's what it was. She swallowed her fear and popped open the side of it. She took out a small piece of paper and unfolded it a few times.

the monsters, don't let them get you, lovely. the loop. find it. I love you, my lovely.

My lovely. That's what her mother used to call her. It made her feel comfortable and safe and like her mother was there, helping her though this. The letter was in loopy handwriting that she immediately recognized as her mother's. Lois's father had shown her letters that Lydia Mills once wrote. A tear slipped down Lois's pale and freckled face. She blinked, looking at the paper she had missed so many times before. She realized they had almost identical handwriting. Pretty cursive with big loops. Did her mother know she was peculiar? Was her other peculiar? Are hollows the actual reason her mother is dead?

She shook her head and put the note in the locket, putting the necklace back around her neck. She grabbddher backpack, slung it over her shoulder and continued downstairs to help the others.


"It's hard to believe how long its been since we first arrived. We came to this loop so many years ago and now its so hard to just leave it all behind." Enoch said. He hadn't talked much yet. None of them but Artemis had, actually. When she was nervous she started talking a lot.

"Ok, we've got to leave before the loop closes. Uh, c-come on t-then." Althea said, wiping a tear and turning away.

Lois felt a tug on her skirt and looked down to see an afraid looking Rory. Her eyes were filled with fear, and they carried a weight to them. More than a child should have. Lois got on her knees to look the girl in the eyes, pushing her brown hair out the way. She wiped a tear of Rory's dark skin and hugged her, letting Rory cry into her. Sometimes you don't need somebody to talk about it with or work out your problems , but just somebody to let you cry and comfort you.

She pulled back and looked at Rory. "She'll be okay. We'll be safe, don't worry, my lovely. Don't you worry." She said, softly. Rory nodded and smiled a bit. Lois stood back up, holding onto her small hand.

Lawson was the first to leave. She shakily put a hand on the doorknob, pushing it open, and holding it for her peculiar friends to leave. And when Lois did, Lawson looked at her and smiled a bit. Leaving behind this house felt like she was betraying everything. The loop would close and a life would be left behind. But they had to save Miss Owl.

So they walked to the woods and made their way through the path to the church. Once they did, Ella picked up a rock and carved the date:

November 7, 1887. S.F.Owl

They walked into the church, worn pews and stain glass windows from a She time long lost. When they opened the front door, it was lightly sprinkling and the air was humid. Lois took a shaky breath and Enoch slid his hand intertwined his fingers with Lois's.

They'd been dating for a while but her heart still jumped at the sound of his name. She still smiled and blushed when he showed affection. She knew the novelty of him wouldn't wear off anytime soon.

It felt very odd to not feel the chill of the air and leaves crunching under her feet. Ever since she got there, she hadn't once left the loop. Now it was humid and sprinkling and it had always been windy and cold.

It seemed unreal. She was in a haze as they walked. She held Rory's hand and unlike Rory's normal bubbly behavior she hadn't said a word. She giggled whenever Enoch jumped when there was a rustle in the bush that turned out to be a squirrel. Althea had given Seth the map and he directed them all where to go. Miss Owl was perched on Lawson's shoulder. Ella was flying about them, keeping watch. They all played there part.

When they arrived at the train station people mulled around until they caught sight of the 11 kids and the bird perched on the shoulder of a girl with big leather gloves. By then Ella had dropped to the ground and returned to holding Lily's hand.

"Eleven tickets please," Artemis said. The guy behind the counter looked up with apathy evident in his eyes. He folded the newspaper and told them the amount of money.

"You sure you kids got the money though?" he said, eyeing the owl suspiciously. His eyes widened when Artemis slapped the money down on the counter and crossed her arms, staring back at him. He counted it and gave her the tickets, still seeming like he didn't care.

"Goodbye," John said and they all walked to board the train.

Lois sat beside Lawson and across from Enoch. Her feet were propped up on the bench across from her and she was staring out the window. Lois felt a small tap on her hand and looked down. Miss Owl was looking up at her with her head cocked to the side. She got a first look at the damage that prevented the ymbryne from changing back to human form. Her wing was obviously broken and she couldn't fly. But they'd get to Miss Wren in a little over 4 days. Their ymbryne would be just fine. And with that, Lois drifted to sleep.


Hey loves. So i appreciate all of you that commented on my last post. It helped. I don't talk to her, it's not just me she's a b*tch to either. Its taken forever to update, sorry.

Also my crush apparently is gonna ask out some ugly basic girl on Monday

What did i ever do to you Aphrodite?

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