six - family

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  6 years later, Lois still had a crush on Enoch.  It just escalated. Because with peculiars, you don't really grow. You stay in the same mindset you came to a loop with. So she didn't "grow out of her crush" she and Enoch just became more inseparable.  They were best friend and it was evident to everybody that Enoch was very closed off and practically locked all his feelings away. And every peculiar of Miss Owl's loop new that Lois was the only person Enoch ever opened up to. He continued snarky comments but less so around Lois.

When she wasn't with Enoch, she was with Lawson. The pair talked so much. Lawson brought out the hyperactive and outgoing side of Lois and when Lawson was talking, Lois could listen. But Lois was patient when Lawson interrupted her. They were partners in crime and Miss Owl often had to send someone to tell them to quiet down. Lawson had many insecurities and often had days of just worrying. What if she killed someone? What if she killed something? Lawson could barely deal with killing plants. When showing off her peculiarity, that was all she agreed could do and it still left her shaky. The thing with Lawson was, she looked mean. She had black hair and black clothes and her peculiarity doesn't even need to be mentioned. But Lawson was warm and hyper and talked so much.

Lois also hung out with Lily and Ella. They both knew sign language and often taught Lois some of it. She often commented about how she felt she third wheeled because Lily and Ella were girlfriends, but they turned it around to say "Oh, you third wheel? Talk to anybody thats been around you and Enoch for longer than 5 seconds".

Seth and Artemis were the other couple. They were the heart and soul of the loop. She let the little kids throw stuff at her with a force field thrown up at the last moment. If you ever heard "Hey, could you toss that to me?" you better make sure she wasn't there because Art would put forcefields around others just before it hit, causing it to bounce off and for Art to laugh. Seth made morphed his face into pig noses or dog ears to make the little ones laugh when Miss Owl wasn't looking. His hair was a different color every day, but he was especially humble. He didn't morph his face into some super attractive model face. He was just Seth. The Seth that Artemis so openly loved. They even made Miss Owl giggle sometimes.

And the little ones, Matthew, Rory, and John, Miss Owl mostly took care of. Seth was very patient with them. He made them giggle and laugh with the way he changed how he looked. He had a kind and patient way of taking care of them. He understood how John and Matthew wanted to play without Rory, and that's when Althea came in.

Rory was like a younger sister to Althea. Althea was very closed of and introverted. Her long, frizzy brown hair fell down all the way to her hips, severely parted down the center of her head. Round, small glasses sat on the bridge of her small nose, and her thin lips looked like they were incapable of smiling. She helped Miss Owl a lot, practically a personal assistant and was very knowledgeable about Peculiardom. Their loop was lucky enough to have a Map of Days and Althea knew where all the closest loops were. And since she wasn't much around humans, she was best around animals. There were deer, birds, and other animals in the forest and they came right up to her. Miss Owl said that some people, especially peculiars, were like that.

And Lois and Enoch really fit right in to this beautiful family of peculiars.

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