twelve - miss wren's menagerie

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enoch's p.o.v

Lois had almost hauled herself up on the mouth of the oddly shaped rock. It had rained and it was slippery but Lois had always been good with those things. It had been unanticipated when Lois's foot went out from under her and she plummeted backwards with blood running down her head.

Enoch didn't wait before diving for the water. He didn't pay attention to other people's footsteps close behind. Stella teleported there and dove down just as Enoch did the same. The water wasn't too murky and Lois could breath. When they reached her limp body floating on the ground, blood discoloring the water around her, Enoch almost gasped. They brought her up and with a few other's help had her safely back to shore.
They assessed the injury on her head but none of them were doctors. They saw blood and swelling on her head. It must've been bad because she blacked out, Enoch figured. He didn't want to see Lois hurt. He didn't want to think about the blood running down her face or how she looked when she fell or how her feet slipped from under her.

"It's best to take her to Miss Wren. She's an ymbryne i'm sure she'll know just what to do." Artemis said softly. Enoch nodded.

"I could just teleport there with her so we wouldn't have to carry her," Stella said and picked Lois up in her arms and vanished.

Before Enoch could become anymore sick with worry, he waded into the water, climbing up the face of the rock and plummeting into it. He held his breath, trying not to think of Lois, and dived under.

When he resurfaced, the water level had gone down and it was considerably warmer. Stella was on the bank with Lois and barely spared a glance at Enoch. The rest of the kids popped up, Lawson with a snowy owl which was shaking her little feathers. They picked up Lois once more and began to make their way to the menagerie on the top of the hill.

They approached a rock wall with a small net, just big enough for a person. A sign had been taped on it, warning it was only for one person at a time.

Still soaked, they each got on the basket and ascended. It went faster than anticipated because Ella got impatient and starting grabbing unsuspecting people from behind and flying upwards. Soon enough all of them were past the wall.

"It's right up here," Stella said, taking lead. Lawson and Artemis shared a look as if to mean who does she think she is? They reached a tower in the middle of a field. To the left were many animals. Enoch hadn't ever been to a menagerie or a zoo if any kind. Especially a peculiar one. There were chickens and oddly shaped cats and a dog with glasses. Standing, seemingly conversing with a dog who seemed to be wearing a pair of glasses, was a woman with gray hair pulled back in a loose bun. Her dress went down to her feet, kindness and warmth radiated from her. She looked up at them with a look of suprise before rushing over and giving Stella a motherly hug.

"What brings you here, dears?" She said, looking at all of them.

"Miss Owl," Althea said, stepping forward. "She's stuck in bird form. We left our loop and went to Miss Myna's so we didn't age forward. She's sick and couldn't help Miss Owl. She told us that the longer she's in bird from, she could stay a regular bird forever." She explained, letting the snowy owl perch on her arm.

"Oh, yes of course. You all must be so tired and-" she stopped abruptly, eyes widening at Lois,
"What happened?" she asked.

"Lois slipped climbing the rocks off the loop entrance and hit her head. She fell in the water but because of her peculiarity she can breath underwater. We got her back up though," Seth explained.

"I'll be back, then," Miss Wren said, turned into a bird and flew off to her tower.


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