seven - what is love?

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The peculiar world and its characters belong to Ransom Riggs.

So i am not in love, but i have a huge crush on someone and all my friends think he likes me back, i think he know i like him. And everything feels a bit brighter. I can appreciate things more. So, I'm sorry i haven't updated but i know what will happen in the story, prepare yourself.

Also i love Lawson a lot.

"Have you ever been in love, and you find everything to be a bit more beautiful, and everything you think is about them, and all the stuff you say in nicer and you just feel really happy" Lois whispered.

"That's what being in love is like, Lois." Lawson said, she was laying on her bed reading an edition of Tales of the Peculiar. Lawson loved the Tales, or anything to do with peculiar history.
"Love is why anything good happens in the world."

"Well, have you ever been in love?" Lois asked.

"Once. A normal boy, back before they made me leave. He had blonde hair and he was two years older than me. He liked before he found out I killed everything I touched. So I guess it was never love on his end." She said, her voice fell to a whisper. Lois wouldn't have been able to hear her if she wasn't leaning against the side of Lawson's bed.

"What do you mean it wasn't love on his end?" She responded.

"Well, when it comes to love, it takes a lot to get you to stop loving someone. If he really loved me, I think he wouldn't have cared if I was peculiar or not." Lawson said thoughtfully, turning the page of her book slowly.

Lois nodded. "So, what is love?" She said, barely above a whisper.

"Love is... Well, everybody has there own definition of love. I think love is when you're willing to put somebody else's needs before yours. Love is whatever you think it is."

Lois nodded. "I think, I think I love E-"

"Yeah, I know," Lawson interrupted. Lois just laughed.

"He loves you too, you know. Not the kind of fake love I was talking about. But he really, really loves you." Lawson whispered.

Lois smiled. Lawson always made her feel better.

"So, when exactly was it you realized you were in love?" Lawson asked, getting off her bed and sitting beside Lois.

"Well, it wasn't one particular moment. It happened gradually. Like, my heart just grew more in love every time i saw him. When all the sudden i was like, yep, I guess i'm falling love now." Lois said.

"I know Seth's been trying to get him to do something but Enoch really doesn't show his feeling to anybody but you. If thats not proof enough i'm not sure what is." Lawson said.


She didn't know what it was. A burst of confidence or love or adrenaline. Maybe all three. Maybe it was just her heart giving her a little shove. Thats all it was. A little shove. Not a big change at all.

Lois knew it would barely change a thing between them when she grabbed Enoch's hand while they walked to the woods, while the wind blew her hair around, and her boots hit the leaves on the ground lightly. He tensed for a fraction of a second before squeezing her had lightly. Lois felt herself smiling.

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