Chapter One: Freyja

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The vial in my fingers sparkled even in the fading sunlight. Inside this jar was magic, a magic that I had used many times before. I had used it for good and for greed, yet it had always served me well. Anxiety washed over me and I took a heaving breath. I hadn't tampered with magic since before the Aesir-Vanir War, eons ago. This vial had been the spark that ignited the wildfires of battle. Doubts filled me with dread. Was I truly willing to take this risk again?

I shook my head. Of course I was willing. I wanted to help those I cared about. I uncorked the vial without another thought. If I waited any longer, I would talk myself out of it.

As soon as the vial was open, the starlight flooded out, surrounding me in a glittering mist. My breath hitched in my throat, but I smiled. As the stars danced across my skin, they tickled the hairs standing up on my arm. "Hello, old friends," I whispered, as the light swarmed around me like a slow-moving cyclone. I was consumed by its power- even I fell under the spell from time to time.

I extended my arms and opened my hands, allowing my fingers to spread. The stars finished their circular journey and pooled in my hands. I cupped them together and felt their warmth on my cheeks. Joy filled my heart and I was overcome with gratitude.

"I ask your help for a... friend," I said. "His path is growing darker and lonelier, and that is not a fate I would wish on anyone. How can I help him?"

The stars quivered and sparked, tingling my palms. I closed my eyes as they rose once more and settled around my temples like a crown. They were reading my thoughts, searching for the man I wanted to save. A moment later, the stars receded and formed a cloud before my eyes. They merged together to form a picture. It was a picture of a girl. Once I had memorized her young face, the stars became runes, spelling out a message.

"Find Rani."

My heart caught in my chest. Rani? The bastard child?

The stars buzzed with agitation. I muttered an apology and thanked them. In one fluid motion, they returned to the vial to rest. I corked the vial and returned it to its safe place. Without the stars' illumination, the room was dark. The enormity of knowledge settled on me heavily. I wished the answer was simpler.

My mission was to find Rani. I did not know where she was, but Odin and Frigga did. And in order to find her whereabouts, I would have to confess that I had used my magic. Fresh anxiety washed over me. I had known this venture was risky, but I wasn't eager to own up to it. How would the Allfather and great Frigga react?

I paced the room and sketched out my next move. I had to approach Frigga. She would be more understanding than Odin. She knew my kind heart. And she was the mother of the man in question.  I felt guilty and nervous, but still determined to save the trickster.

Without another moment to question myself, I set out for the mercy of Frigga.

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