Chapter Twenty-Two: Rani

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I had never laid eyes on my mother until now, but there was no mistaking her. I felt that I was looking in a mirror. The entire congregation in the Temple, including Odin and Frigga, was shocked. I suppose Kara noticed this, for she stepped back apologetically, though her eyes never once left my face.

I turned to my new husband. Our hands were still bound. I was searching for permission. He looked at me, just as lost as I was. We faced Odin and Frigga like clueless children.

"Members of the Aesir!" Odin announced, "Let us retire to the Great Hall, to feast and dance and celebrate our newlyweds!"

Dazed but looking forward to the party, the guests dispersed. I could hear their murmurs, but it sounded far away. Kara stood by the door, nodding to the passerby. Panicked, I watched my Father and Skadi pass her. Kara and Njord nodded to one another, as if they'd never met, let alone created the girl whose wedding they had just witnessed. But Skadi glared poisonously at my mother, who seemed almost amused. I grinned when Kara rolled her eyes.

Frigga unbound mine and Loki's hands quickly. "Go ahead, Rani," she said kindly, "go meet your mother."

I looked up at my husband, who still seemed startled. "You wouldn't mind? I've just.. never met her." My voice was pleading.

"Not at all," he said slowly. "Shall I accompany you?"

I thought on it. It wouldn't do for him to go to our reception alone. "Please do," I said.

I all but dragged him off the podium, excitement driving away the shock and disbelief that had overwhelmed me during the ceremony. I had been excited to meet Njord, but my mother had always haunted me, especially since I was told that I looked so much like her. And I we neared, I could see why.

Kara was standing proud and tall, watching me draw near. My first encounter with Valkyries had been less than pleasant. But seeing my mother, I felt only awe. Her steel breastplate glinted in the afternoon sun, as did her winged helmet she had crooked in her elbow. A great sword hung at her waist. Her flaming hair cascaded between the two wings folded behind her back. Her face was dominated by elongated eyes the same gray-green as mine. I don't know what shocked me more, how much we favored one another, or the fact that I had been born to such a magnificent creature.

"Rani," she sighed, her eyes warming with love. "I cannot believe it is you."

I couldn't contain myself. I had long imagined how our first meeting should be. I had considered falling into her arms, sobbing like a child. More often, I had decided upon being cold and distant, and to demand to know why she allowed me to be sent away. However, I did none of these things. Instead, I took her hand in mine. It was calloused and dry.

"Mother," I said warmly, "I'm so glad you made it." I was overcome. I was delighted to face the woman who had given me life. I felt a strange pull in my stomach. My body seemed to remember her, whose own body sustained me.

"I came as quickly as I could," she said, her voice like melted caramel, "but we are always on the move, it seems. There are many battles on Midgard. I had to beg Brunnhilde to let me take my leave. I was hoping to at least see the ceremony, but it seems I am too late."

I shook my head happily. "No matter if you missed the ceremony," I said, "you're here now."

We smiled at each other, drinking it in. I was a mess of emotions. I was flooded with joy and disbelief, standing before my mother. I was proud to be the daughter of a Valkyrie. And I was slowly coming down from the anxiety from the wedding.

"Oh!" I started, realizing my lack of manners. "You must meet my husband."

I beckoned to Loki, looking too large for himself in his majestic armor. Humbly, he came to my side. "My husband, Loki, Son of Odin."

Loki bowed deeply, but Kara was sizing him up. Her hands tightened their grip on mine. She seemed rather unimpressed. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Loki said respectfully.

"Likewise," Kara said coolly. "I'm sure as a Son of Odin you know well enough to take care of my daughter. I've been empty all these years, too tied to my responsibilities to be able to be a mother to her. Don't think I won't find out if you wrong her."

A swell of pleasure filled my heart, but I noticed Loki's face tighten. I quickly changed the subject.

"Will you be able to stay for the reception at least?" I asked hopefully.

Sadness clouded my mother's eyes. "Regretfully, I cannot. Brunnhilde will have my head if I tarry. I am very sorry."

"Don't be," I said, "for this is enough for me, just to be in your presence. Please visit as often as you can." My voice was edged with sadness, but my pleading tone betrayed my joy at meeting my mother. It hurt, knowing this brief reunion was the most I could have right now. It hardly seemed fair.

"I will," Kara promised, cupping my cheek in her hand. Her face expressed all the love and longing she had for me. I had feared she didn't care for me. Now, I knew I was wrong. With a flood of emotion, I pulled her into my arms. We held each other tightly, as if our lives depended on it. Her armor was cold and harsh, but her arms were warm. She smelled like the cold breeze. We finally separated, smiling at one another.

"Oh, and don't let Skadi get you upset," Mother winked playfully. "She's a frozen little slug, she is."

Then, as I laughed, she turned to leave. Tears welled in my eyes. But they were happy tears. I was appreciative of the small time we had together. It wouldn't do to be greedy. Plus, I had just gotten married! I had more than enough to keep myself busy.

"Shall we then?" Loki asked, once Kara had disappeared. He seemed unsure of how to handle this situation.

"Yes," I said, taking his arm. He led me towards the reception, where the noise of the party was echoing throughout the hall.

"I'm sorry my mother was so... crass," I said, thinking back to how upset he had looked. "She was just being protective. That was the first time we met, actually.”

Loki didn't look down at me. "Don't worry," he said dryly. "I'm used to it."

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