Chapter Twenty-Nine: Rani

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Just before the snows came, we received an invitation to the Palace. The raven that bore the letter tapped impatiently on my window. I wrapped myself in a warm robe, as I had just woken up, and let the black bird inside. He flew around a few moments, enjoying the heat before he landed on my armchair.

"Thank you," I said, taking the scroll from its large beak. It cawed loudly, jumping on the table and bobbing its head comically. I smiled, and unrolled the scroll. In Frigga's fine writing, it read:

Dearest Rani & Loki,

I hope this letter finds you well. We are having a celebration for the Jul holiday, as the solstice is coming fast. Let us pray there is snow by then! It has certainly been an odd winter, has it not? But yes, we would love it if the two of you could attend. Rani, perhaps you can convince Loki to join the Wild Ride? Please, send word as soon as you receive this.

Love, Frigga

I grinned, pleased Frigga had sent for us. We had missed the Winternights festival, as Loki had been traveling at the time, and I didn't want to go without him. But he was home for the season, so he said, and we had been out of the public eye long enough. If we didn't go out soon, people would think something was the matter. And the last thing we needed was the stress of wagging tongues in our direction.

Instead of speaking to Loki first, I simply scribbled a short note to my mother-in-law, telling her we'd be there. I handed it to the raven, who accepted it and flew away.

I figured I'd better let Loki know, so that if he was furious with me, I could simply send another note. I just didn't want the poor raven waiting all day, in case Loki took his time.

Without being concerned about my messy hair and plain robe, I went to Loki's rooms. Although I still felt butterflies in my stomach each time I laid eyes on my handsome husband, I'd stopped trying so hard to impress him. After all, he had seen me fully nude. I doubt he'd give a hoot if I was in my fleece robe or a silken dress.

Fenrir was sleeping outside Loki's door. He guarded his master with utmost loyalty. Sometimes, however, on the colder evenings I could coax the poor wolf into my room to sleep before the fire. As I approached, Fen's ears pricked, and he opened his yellow eyes. Seeing it was only me, he began to wag his shaggy tail. If Fen was still guarding the door, that meant Loki was still inside.

I scratched our loyal pet behind his ears, and knocked on the door. I heard shuffling and a grunt, and Loki opened the door, rubbing his eyes.

"Did I wake you?" I asked briskly, keeping my eyes from his bare chest. My hormones were beginning to stir.

"You did," he said, his voice husky. He wore loose linen pants that were slung suggestively around his hips. I bit my lip and forced my eyes to his face.

"I'm terribly sorry," I said, my voice cracking. "I just wanted to let you know I got a message from your mother."

"You did?" he asked. "Is everything alright?"

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