Chapter Twenty-Five: Loki

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I left Rani in her room, without a word.

I was disgusted with myself. How had I allowed my temper to get the best of me? How had I allowed Rani to push me over the edge? This had never happened before. I prided myself on my self-control. And now, after one little spat, I'd been impulsive, a slave to my primal nature.

That's not to say it was not the most glorious moment of my life.

It was more than just mindless sex. It was an intimacy that fed my very soul, that brought me light in the darkness. She had been so willing, so accepting. She obeyed my harsh commands, and with pleasure. She had wanted me. And I had wanted her, like I'd never wanted anything in my life.

Damn, I was a fool. I promised myself that next time, I would have more control. Next time, I would keep myself in check. Next time, our coupling would be on my terms. Rani had been malleable in my hands, so ready to please. I recalled her sly grin just before... the memory brought a delightful chill to my spine.

Don't be so stupid, I chided myself. I knew how this would all pan out. We would have some time of newlywed bliss. All would be well. And then, once Rani experienced my true nature, she would leave and never think twice. My only choice was to push her away, to save both of us the pain later. No point in getting attached to something you know you'll lose.

And yet, my mind kept returning to the pleasure on her face, her voice breathing my name, her body accepting mine.

Angrily, I slammed the door behind me, once I was in my own room. If my family could see my behavior, they'd be so upset. But to hell with them! They'd never even come close to knowing who I was. They were always waiting for me to mess up, to let them down. That was the one thing I always excelled at. So I had stopped trying to be good. I'd be better off being a disappointment.

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