Chapter Thirty-Five: Loki

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I was terribly angry at Rani. But, in my heart, I was also deeply grateful. Her actions had not only showed that she believed my innocence in this matter, but also gave me hope. I didn't want to be disappointed- what if Odin found me guilty, and I was exiled or worse? He wouldn't allow her to follow me then. In fact, he might even wildly accuse her of being my accomplice. My conflicting emotions left me irritated.

Once we were left in the cell, my silence let her know my stance on her outburst. She took it well, though. I suppose she knew better than to test me.

Since I was, by right, the Son of Odin, I was mercifully sent to one of the more pleasant cells. It was fairly clean, with fresh straw on the floor. There was a decent bed, a separate toilet room, and a chair. The stone walls and floor were still frigid, but blankets had been provided. They didn't want me to die slowly in here, as most prisoners were meant to, but rather sink into despair.

"Is this what you wanted?" I sneered at Rani, as she carefully helped me lie on the bed. My wounds were still too fresh for me to sit or stand. I winced through the pain, and Rani checked my bandages for fresh blood.

"This is exactly what I wanted," she countered, ignoring my rudeness. She tucked me into the blankets, and I allowed it. So far, she had done me no wrong. In fact, she had done many brave things for me. I hated to admit it, but I was softening up to her. Slowly, but surely.

Not long after Rani and I were locked in the cell, Tyr came with Fenrir. He had stayed behind, doing who knows what, and had sought out Tyr to attack him. A bleeding hand proved that Fen had done what he thought was his job.

"Fen!" chided Rani, her tone fake, "why would you do such a naughty thing?"

Fenrir, playing along, hung his head in false shame. Tyr's anger melted some, though he rubbed his hand. Luckily, he had always had a secret soft spot for Fen.

"I'm dreadfully sorry, Tyr," Rani said, "he's not usually like this. He must be so frightened, with last night's events, both of his masters hurt, and now this. I do apologize."

Tyr, never doubting Rani's sincerity, said, "No worries, I'll survive. Better give him better training, though."

Rani smiled sweetly, and Tyr left. Once he was out of earshot, she began to pet the wolf. "Good boy," she whispered.


I was not the only one who was upset Rani had chosen to be imprisoned with me. For the next few days, she received many visitors. Freyja and Freyr were the first to arrive. I was laying on the bed, Fenrir at my side. Rani was on the chair, observing her thigh.

"Rani!" cried Freyja, falling to her knees before the bars. "What are you doing in there?" Freyr stood beside his sister, a nasty gash across his cheek. He, too, seemed perplexed.

Rani went to the bars, and clasped each of her siblings' hands. Tears were welling in Freyja's eyes. "I chose to come here," she assured them. "I will not leave Loki to fend for himself. He is my husband, and he is innocent."

"How can you be so sure?" demanded Freyr, ever the protective older brother.

"It does not matter what I think," Rani said wisely, "I will not waste my time trying to convince anyone. What is meant to be, will be. But I will not make my husband face this alone."

A strange warm feeling filled my chest. I didn't want her to suffer in here with me. But I was genuinely touched that she had made such a courageous move.

Freyja reached in the bars and touched Rani's face. "You have such a good heart," she gushed, "and I hope you are right. Let us pray you two won't be in here long."

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