Chapter Forty-Four: Rani

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Eir finally released Loki from her care as dawn was approaching. Neither of us had slept, and we were utterly exhausted. But it was all over now. We could go home. It seemed as though we hadn't fought just one battle, but hundreds instead.

We said our farewells, and went outside, ready to return to Laufeyson. There was so much more to be done, yet. We would have to return for Skadi's funeral, of course. A new Goddess of Winter would have to be appointed. Freyja and Freyr would need their sister's support in this harsh aftermath. Njord would need to be nursed back to health. Just because the battle was over, didn't mean that our work was complete. As with all things, life in Asgard was a cycle. Things were always changing.

But for now, Loki and I were content to just retreat to our little home in the woods and rest. It felt like years since we'd seen the comfort of our own bed. We stepped out into the snow, where the early rays of pastel sunlight lazily drifted across the sky. It was bitterly cold, but refreshing. It felt as though a weight had been lifted.

We were about to disappear home, when a Valkyrie came flying across the sky. She landed before us in a mass of feathers. It was Kara, a bright smile on her face.

"Rani," she smiled, pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm so happy you're safe."

"Thanks to you!" I said, as we released one another. I was always pleased to see my mother, no matter how infrequently.

"You mean thanks to Freyja," she said, her eyebrows raising. "She brought us." Kara turned to Loki, who was standing back, allowing us to have our moment. "And I heard you performed like a true hero," she said to him, smiling.

Loki seemed taken aback. His black hair was still a mess, and his eyes were tired, but he grinned humbly. "Thank you," he said, bowing forward slightly, "but I only did what right."

I gazed happily at my husband. My mind recalled the moment he turned from Jotunn to Aesir. He had made that choice. He had realized his potential. I was eternally proud of him.

"I was wrong to judge you so harshly, the last time we met," Kara admitted. "I sense you have led a life full of unfair judgment. But now, you have proved us all wrong. We owe a great debt to you. And I am pleased to call you my son-in-law."

Loki nearly blushed, and he couldn't hide his smile. Valkyries are notoriously hard to impress, or so I've heard. I, too, beamed with pride and pleasure.

"Thank you, Lady Kara," Loki said genuinely.

My mother turned back to me, and put her hands on my shoulders. She stared at me, as though she were committing me to memory. "You have impressed us all, Rani," she said. "You have truly lived up to your namesake. Wise and cunning as the wolf, the woman who shields those she loves. I am so proud of you. You will do great and wonderful things in this world, and in all the Nine Realms. Never doubt yourself, and never hold yourself back."

Tears sprung to my eyes, egged on by my mother's warm words. Her green eyes glittered with joy. In this moment, my life was perfect. I knew I had done well.

"Now go home and get some rest," Kara said, stepping away. "I know you need it." I could see tears forming in her eyes as well.

I waved, and took Loki's outstretched hand. Kara wiggled her fingers in farewell, and we disappeared.

We landed comfortably in the courtyard of Laufeyson. We both sighed audibly, so glad to be home. Loki led me to the door, where Fenrir burst out just as the first time I arrived at the manor.

"Fen!" I cried, "you're okay!"

"Mother must have sent him," Loki said incredulously, joining me in petting our ridiculous wolf. I had been worried that we'd lost him, but so concerned about Loki that I hadn't had a chance to ask about him. Well, seeing him at home was just another joy I was thankful for.

Loki and I went inside, a happy Fen at our heels, and collapsed in bed without bothering to change. We were dirty, sweaty, and exhausted. Loki snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me close. My heart swelled, though the haze of sleep was already threatening me.

"Rani," Loki said softly, just as I was drifting away. "I love you."

My eyes closed still, I smiled wide. My heart sang out with happiness, and I entwined his fingers with mine. Just before I fell into a deep sleep, I told my husband, "I love you, too, Loki."

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