Chapter Thirty-One: Sif

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The noise, the dust, the snow, the roof crumbling upon us- we were all terrified. People scattered like seeds in the wind, as the Frost Giant tried to destroy the roof. Couples were separated, and the room was filled with shouting. But there was only a brief moment of true panic.

Odin was on his feet immediately. His battle armor and spear appeared on him in a flash of light. "Who dares attack my home?" he bellowed, his voice deep and menacing.

With the AllFather taking such a defensive stance, the other Aesir followed suit. In multiple flashes of light, the gods and goddesses of Asgard assumed their armor, including myself. I gripped my sword tightly, anger flooding me. Who dares to believe they can conquer the Aesir, collected in their entirety?

"Sif!" I heard an angry shout behind me. I turned to see Frigga, her face smoldering. "You cannot fight," she told me, "not in your condition."

I was very disappointed. I was well-versed in the ways of battle. I was a Swan-Maiden, like the Valkyries and Freyja. But I could not argue. I could not risk harming the child in my womb. With much reluctance, I willed my armor and sword disappear. "What should I do, Lady Frigga?" I tried not to let my voice be so flinty. I wanted to defend my loved ones.

"Just stay back and help the wounded," Frigga commanded. I nodded. My harvest powers would not help much in battle, but I could heal most any wound.

Frigga immediately joined the others who flooded outside to attack. Thor, on his way out, came to me and kissed me passionately. “Please, stay where it's safe,” he said urgently, his eyes pleading.

Instead of answering, I nodded and kissed him once more. With that, my husband soared into the sky, led by his hammer, Mjolnir. I observed the ruins around me. Once I was certain no one was left behind, I wrapped myself in a tablecloth and rushed outside.

The sight before me was both terrifying and beautiful. The snow was falling hard and fast, making visibility limited. At least a dozen Jotunn were on the Plain of Idavoll. Their lumbering, frost-covered arms waylaid parts of the castle. The numerous gods of the Aesir were defending their Palace. My dear Thor was in the snow, dashing between the large frozen feet and throwing his hammer with fearsome power. Icy limbs shattered in his wake, sending chunks flying. Odin and Frigga worked together to fell a screaming Jotunn with the face of a bear. Odin threw his spear into the creature's chest, as Frigga's quick double swords slashed at its howling face. The monster's blood stained the snow. Tyr was roaring, ramming his battle-axe into the skull of a giant, who fell limp instantly. I was transfixed, watching my peers. Freyja and Freyr, also working as a team, felled two giants in a row. Njord retrieved his trident from the bloody eye-socket of a grossly deformed Jotunn. My soul screamed to join the fight, to feed my sword the blood it craved, to protect my loved ones. But my hands closed protectively over my child.

I watched, trying to focus. I could help some without my weapons. Two Jotunn threatened to close in on Njord. I let out a piercing, haunting battle cry. My Swan-Maiden blood roared angrily. The Jotunn stopped in their tracks, covering their ears as blood trickled between their fingers. Now Rani appeared. I hadn't seen her until now, riding on the back of the wolf Fenrir. With an aura of complete bravery, she loosed her arrows into the chests of the Jotunn. Her father laughed heartily. "My daughter!" he cried. Rani, triumph on her face, rode Fenrir on a victory lap, before resuming her attack.

I had never been so proud of my sister-in-law.

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