Chapter Forty-Two: Rani

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We heard the eerie howls; they sounded like the screams of beasts.

Loki and I were in the library, idly chatting. We'd grown very weary of being stuck at the Palace, and now, it seemed, the time had come.

We were already clad in armor when the warning bells chimed.

We rushed into the hall, Fenrir on our heels. We joined with many others, filing outside. The Frost Giants had announced their arrival. This alone was cause for a certain amount of anticipation; why would they basically invite us to battle? Something was certainly amiss, and we all felt it.

Loki and I caught up with Thor and Sif, who were arguing heatedly as they ran.

"Stay inside!" demanded Thor angrily, "You could get hurt!"

"Keep your orders to yourself," Sif snarled, "I can help from the sidelines. Have you forgotten who I am?"

Loki and I shared an amused glance. We were consumed with adrenaline, ready to defend our people. But Thor and Sif were comical enough to bring a smile to our faces.

We followed the rest of the Aesir outdoors, where snow was falling heavily. The bells still chimed, ringing throughout the Nine Realms. Only Asgardians could hear its piercing tones; it signaled the Aesir to bring help.

Far off from the Palace, we could see the band of Jotunn standing at the ready, icy weapons brandished. They glittered menacingly in the moonlight. I glanced around at the others gathered with us. They were perched on their toes, ready to attack at Odin's word. The AllFather himself was glaring forward at the Frost Giants.

"Who goes there?" he boomed, though he knew quite well who stood before him.

"I haven't the time for games, Odin," shouted their leader. The voice was very familiar, though I didn't recognize this woman with black hair and even blacker eyes.

"Skadi!" Frigga gasped, taking a step back. A collective intake of breath ran throughout the Aesir.

"Why are you doing this Skadi?" Odin asked, his temper rising. He gripped his great spear tighter. Tonight, he rode upon his mighty horse, Sleipnir, who had eight legs.

"It won't matter in the end," laughed Skadi, "so I don't think I'll bother to explain." With that, she threw two daggers made of sharp ice towards Odin.

Many of us lurched forward to save the AllFather, but Odin easily defended himself. With one wave of his spear, the icicles ricocheted away. Rage overwhelmed the Asgardians. Skadi didn't dare attack Odin! She had to have lost her mind.

In the moment it took to blink, the Aesir attacked. Those who could fly did so, and others charged forward with the speed of the gods. Loki looked at me as I was leaping upon Fenrir's back. My trusty wolf-steed would be my guide tonight.

"Be careful," he warned me, his eyes worried. "If you need me, yell."

"Of course," I said with a small smile. "Be careful yourself. "

With a gloriously mischievous smile, Loki clutched his long, bladed stave and disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

I shook my head and laughed. I feared battle, as any sane person would, but I'd found it easier to laugh in the face of death rather than run away. "Let's go, Fen," I said, stringing an arrow at the ready.

Clinging to Fen's back with only my knees, we circled the fray, observing. I marveled at the skill of my brethren. Frigga valiantly fought off a Jotunn, her double swords glinting dangerously. Thor swung his hammer with the might only the God of Thunder could muster. Odin's spear pierced the heart of a Frost Giant, who tried in vain to slice off the AllFather's head. Freyr swung his scythe, sending the blood of the Jotunn spattering across the white snows. Animalistic howls echoed through the night, while Aesir shouted and grunted. I sent a few arrows out, piercing Jotunn flesh. Why they had attacked, no one knew, but we did all we could to defend each other.

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