Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

~Joey's POV~

As I lay here for the 12 billionth year, I mentally write my will. Sawyer will take almost everything I own. I trust that guy so much. But a sting of guilt hits me with the realisation that he'll be the one to find my dead body rotting in here. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Meghan can have all the little things that hold my memories. She'll treasure them always, and she's the only one who knows and remembers the story behind each item. She'll never be able to forget me. Ever.

Jett and Nicole can share out any inheritance money I would have gotten if I was still alive. It doesn't sound like much, but if it gets Jett through college and Nicole a beautiful wedding dress then so be it.

My mom can have my personal items. My diary. My vlogging camera. That way when she starts missing me, a part of me will be with her. She'll be happy inside and hopefully be at peace.

And Shane. Oh, Shane. Why, he has my heart. An item, I cannot possible hand over to anyone. No. My heart belongs to the one who deserves it most. And he does. I can't love anyone else in the world like I love him. He's my everything. Therefore, he owns my heart. It's his to cherish or to break. Whatever he seems necessary.

My thoughts are interrupted by a soft tapping at my bedroom door. I open my eyes, the darkness and coldness of my room overcoming me. My death quite obviously near.

I roll my eyes. Why can't Sawyer just leave me alone sometimes?

"Joey?" A different voice echoes into my soul. My stomach forms knots and the butterflies stab into me.

It's Shane.

"H-Hey" I croak out eventually. It hurt just to do that. I wish my death would take me soon. I don't want to feel like this any longer.

"Can I come in?" He asks, his voice so soft and gentle. He's an angel.

"Yeah" I breathe out. It hurts so much. Why is this happening to me.

"Sawyer told me about your back. Can I see it?" He asks, perching onto my bed side.

Agonisingly, I roll over slightly, revealing my shirtless back. Sawyer insisted last night I take off my shirt. But when I couldn't move my body, he just cut through it with a pair of scissors.

I groan slightly, the pain of movement becoming too much. Shane takes a hold of me, rolling me over onto my back. I take deep breaths, not wanting to puke in front of him.

"Joey, what's going on?" He asks so lovingly. His palm cups at my cheek. I smile. The first time in weeks. "You should get up?"

I do as instructed. My torso sat up in front of him. But not because he's told me to. But because my body automatically needs to.

"Great job!" He smiles, a look of shock in his eyes. I barely have time to memorise it. Seconds later, I'm leant over the other side of my bed, hurling and coughing in a most painful and torturous manner. "Shit" he breathes, unable to help.

It's painful, but my hurling suddenly turns into puking. And it's blood that's coming up. As panic sets in, my body goes limp. Blood still spurting out of me, I feel Shane take a hold of me, calling Sawyer. It sounds like he's crying. But I can't be sure, for moments later, there is darkness.

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