Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

~Joey's POV~

"It hurts!" I yelled in agony. It felt as if my bones were about to pop out of my skin at any second. Every joint ached, and my bones stung to the point I was in tears. No matter how much I yelled of my distress, it went dismissed.

"Joey you're not allowed more drugs. You know that" the nurse calmly explained, while filling up my cup of water beside me. She hurried around me getting things done. From checking my fluid bags to making sure the window was shut to keep me warm. If I wasn't in agony, I'd have appreciated this.

"Damn it!" I called out, panting. Sweat built up on my forehead and could hardly catch my breath. I rolled my head to the other side, watching Shane nervously look down at me. His fingers tugging at his bottom lip in anxiety.

"The doctor will be here soon with your MRI results. Then we can determine which pain killer is suitable and what we can do to fix you. Okay?" She said still as calm. I know I'm being impatient. But I can't take it anymore.

As soon as she leaves the room, I force myself to sit up properly. A sudden wave of pain over comes me and I know what's going to happen next.

"The tray" I say to Shane. Quickly he grabs the thick cardboard bowl from under the bed and trusts it to my chest. Moments later, the uncontrollable vomit makes a reappearance.

"It's okay buddy." Shane whispers into my ear as he runs my back. I'd told him not to. But he still did it. Secretly I rather appreciated him being here. Otherwise I'd be alone.

"I'm sorry Shane" I moan when I'm done. He moves the tray onto the little table beside my bed, and quickly bundles me into his arms. It's comforting. It really is. But he shouldn't have to be here with me

"You'll be better soon. Then you can boss me about all you want. But for now, you need me. Even if you won't admit it." he says softly, tracing circles into my arm with his soft, delicate finger.

"But you could be living a life right now? Not wasting your time with me?" I say flopping my body completely against him.

"Shhh" he hushed softly, his warm breath over my ear. Lips just inches away from my cheek. My heart pounded in my chest at the close contact. Clearly I'm hallucinating. He isn't letting me huddle against his chest? He isn't this close to me. No way.

I'm so in love with him. But I can't tell him that. I just can't. His nose softly brushes against my ear. I swear, my heart stopped. My breathing hitch in surprise and longing for further affection. But because I'm practically on my death bed, a hitch in my breathing resulted in me choking.

"You okay?" He smiles down at me and I go red from practically suffocating. I'm sick of this. Why can't I just be healthy?

The doctor then walks through the door, eyeing me with a concerned expression. I'm still choking, Shane rubbing my back and holding my glass of water out to me. I literally cannot breathe.

"Take a drink" he says patiently. I oblige, Shane still sat right beside me. It helps. The water I mean. But I'm still panting though. And feel even more exhausted.

"Do you have the results?" Shane asks him.

He exhales heavily, then pulls up a chair. My heart sinks. This isn't happening is it? It can't be? It has to be serious. He would have that look on his face if it was as simple as anaemia.

I slip my hand into Shane's, ready for the blow. He responds with a squeeze, looking at me with a reassuring face.

"The MRI results have made us think this isn't anaemia." He started. I know I'm shaking. "And the results of your blood are also stirring us in another direction."

"Just say it." I try to be stern. My voice breaks as I say it, my bottom lip quivering. Shane's free hand slides up my back and rests at the back of my neck. I try to ignore it. He's doing it as comfort.

"Joey" he starts. My body tenses and Shane's hold on me tightens. "It's cancer."

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