Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

(Hey guys. Just a heads up, I like to add on to chapters at the last second sometimes, sorry about that. So make sure to keep looking back for updates. And from now on I will be adding a new part for every chapter. I haven't been doing that before, I just continued on part one. Make sure to go back and check that you haven't missed anything.)

"No, no, no this is not happening right now. I should try to get back into my body." I think to myself. No, this is crazy. This must all be a dream.

I decide to leave the room and go up the stairs to where our kidnappers stay.

I walk up the stairs and hear people talking from a classroom. I walk right through the door and I see the men panicking. There's an alarm going off and a red light flashing. Not too long after Dan barges in the room

"What is going on!?!" he screams at the men

"We lost her heartbeat sir" a man says turning around in his chair, a scared look in his eye

"You idiot! You retard! You stupid son of a..."

"Dan!" another man yells at him "Calm down!"

Dan swirls around to face him "Calm down? I will not calm down. I told you, I told all of you I need all of them alive! Or the plan is ruined! And you go out and kill the most important one?!"

Most important? What's so special about me?

"I told you I wanted to wait before we tested the chips, but you insisted it would be fine if we do it now. And then what do you do? You set the power too high and kill her!"


"You can JumpStart it?! I know you control her whole body with it, why is it so hard to JumpStart her heart!" Dan screams.

The man looks at him as if he just came off another planet and turns around towards the computer. Okay, so the chips can hurt us, control us, and what else? GPS most likely.

I walk around the room. I look into this door in the back. There are four people in there. Duct taped just like we were. They must have been kidnapped too. I try to go in and help them, and then I realize that I can't do anything for them. I have to get back to my body. I have to tell them what's going on. And I can't leave them. Not now. I start down the stairs but when I get close to the bottom, it's like I'm at the top again. There is no bottom; it's an endless flight of stairs. Crap. I keep running, and then I feel a weight on my chest. Then a feeling like someone is pulling on my shirt. I'm pulled from my spot on the stairs and I'm in the library again. I'm looking at everyone's faces. They look relieved I'm alive.

"Lizzie!" Tanae says tears strained in her voice "You died!" She screeches then hugs me tight before I can catch my breath. I pull away because her arms are too much of a strain on my rapidly moving chest. I'm hyperventilating. I look at Alex he's leaning against the table trying to catch his own breath, and Isabel sits next to Tanae trying to assure I'm okay.

"Are you okay?" Tanae asks me

"Yeah." I say "In a lot of pain though" I say crying.

"Okay." Isabel says hugging me "get some rest we will be right here"

"N-no I need to tell you something" I say I can hear the pain in my own voice

"No, tell us later. You need some rest." Tanae says. I just nod my head.

"You need something comfortable to lie on. Does anyone have any sweaters? I have one but I don't think that's going to be enough"

"She can lay down with me if she wants" Jordan suggests

"Okay" I quietly say, for the headache in my head was growing and I just wanted the noise to stop. I scoot over to Jordan and I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

When I wake up I'm still laying on Jordan's chest. He is running his fingers through my hair. I look around and everyone is up pacing the room, of just laying around on a table. My body is sore from last night. My chest hurts from where Alex was trying to restart my heart.

I try to sit up but pain overwhelms my body I give out a groan of pain and almost start crying.

"Easy" Jordan says "It's okay. Just relax like this for a bit." I shake my head.

"That isn't going to help me." I say trying to sit up again but my arms give out and I fall back on to Jordan's chest. "Sorry" I say crying

"It's okay. You're still weak. You need some more rest" He says

I finally manage to sit up enough to look at his face "No I need to tell you all something"


"Help me sit up" I ask him. He does and then I call the others over to us. I tell them about my flashbacks and my memories. Then I tell them about when I went upstairs to the men "The men, they have some kind of technology that can control our bodies. He can control us, hurt us. All with that little chip in our necks."

They look at me in disbelief "I think you need some more rest Lizzie" Sofia says

"God, you don't believe me" I say putting my arm over my eyes "Look I'm not crazy. This happened. What other explanation do you have for it?"

They look at each other. Isabel squints her eyes at me "There is something you aren't telling us." she says. She's always been able to read me, when I'm lying, sad, or keeping something from her.

"There were other people" I say

"More men?" Alex says.

"No, more people that were kidnapped."

"That doesn't make sense. We were the only ones on the van." Tanae says

"Remember when your mom said there were a lot of cases of kidnappings in the area? She said that before school. We were all kidnapped after school. They must have been taken before us. They were the other cases of kidnappings" I said

"How do you know they were kidnapped?" Jordan says

"They were duct taped around their hands and feet in the back room"

Isabel narrows her eyes at me. "There's more" she says

I shake my head "No there's not" I don't want to mention anything about Dan saying I was important. I didn't want them to feel like I was the reason they were there.

"Hmm. okay" She says still suspicious of me

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