Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

When I wake I'm in the library again. I lay in the middle of the cold hard floor. When I look around everyone stands around me, all of my friends, my mom, my dad, Chris, Moby, Makayla, Dan, Dale. They all look at me with an evil grin. I can feel the blood falling down my face. The stitches were gone. My side was drenched in blood.

"W-what’s going on" my voice croaks

"You, Lizzie, will die tonight" they all mock in the same voice at the same time"

"What?" I'm confused. Without saying a word they pull out weapons from behind their back. I crouch down with my hands over my head and begin to sob. "No, no, no, no, no" I keep repeating getting louder as I go. "No! Help me!" I scream as loud as I can.

Two hands touch my shoulders and I scream even louder "Lizzie!" the voices mock me "Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie" They keep repeating. I try to tune them out and scream even louder

"No, No, No, No!" I scream "Leave me alone!" I sob.

"Lizzie!" a nurse yells in my face "Calm down! She’s telling me "It was just a dream. Calm down" she's trying to reassure me but I'm still sobbing. I can still hear their voices in my head

"No it was real. They wanted to kill me, everyone" I sob even more

"No one here is going to hurt you Lizzie. Here I'll give you some medicine to help you relax"

"No!" I scream wiping the tears from my eyes "I don't want to sleep again." every time I close my eyes I see their evil grins glaring down at me.

"This will just help you relax..." she says pulling liquid into a syringe

"No!" I scream snatching it from her hand and throwing it across the room. It shatters on the wall leaving liquid dripping down it "I told you, I didn't want it" I say looking her in the eye. She looks at me in shock and walks out of the room

I need to wake up. I can't fall back asleep. There isn't anything here to keep me occupied. We’ll there's a TV.

I grab the remote and press on the power button pointing it at the TV. I flip through the channels looking for something interesting. Baby shows, SpongeBob, friends, CSI which I would normally watch but I don't think I could stand watching too much death, uhhh there is nothing. Well SpongeBob is okay I guess. I switch back to SpongeBob; it's the krusty krab pizza episode.
"The Krusty Krab Pizza is the pizza for you and me" I can't help but sing along. SpongeBob used to be my favorite show.

After SpongeBob is over another show comes on that I've never heard of, so I flip through the channels again. Boring, kid shows, depressing, news, lifetime movie. Wait did I just see my face?

I flip back to the news and they are doing a report on our whole story.
"6 of the teens were all reported missing on March 15th and 4 of them the day before. These poor teens went through, excuse my language, hell; stuck in that abandoned school library. A few days ago, the man behind this all, Daniel Nash, overrid our news broadcast to announce where to get their children. When the parents got there Dan tried to force the teens to kill their own parents. Which turned into chaos, during this time, a troubled teen, Luke Lewis, shot and killed a beloved police officer, his own mother, Lana Lewis. Records show that Luke was abused much and was put into foster care, it makes no sense how she would have ever made it as an officer with this record. Later that day Luke committed suicide, bringing a gun to his own head.
During this chaos another troubled teen Moby Jefferson turned his gun on two of the others also being held captive. Lizzie Smith and Jordan Mills. Lizzie received a bullet to the leg and Jordan one to the stomach. Both survived. Jordan was rushed into emergency surgery. There is no telling whether he will make it out of that alive" my mind swirls. He might not make it? He must be out of surgery. I almost start to call the nurse but I choose to continue watching “After the police arrived with the paramedics, Daniel Nash grabbed a big machine gun and opened fire in the whole room. Almost everyone was hit. Another girl that was being held captive, Tanae rose got a bullet to her head. But she survived the surgery and made it out alive. From our recent updates we were informed that the bullet did damage to her brain, she may lose her memory, or possibly one of her senses. She is currently in a medically induced coma and is undergoing treatment." No. Tanae can’t lose her memory. I couldn't stand it if my best friend didn't recognize me "We were also informed Sofia Hannover was shot multiple times in the leg. She might have to have it amputated. Other police officers were hit but no deaths were reported..." my mind trailed off, I couldn't remember anything. Not even the sound of the guns going off. "... Steven smith..." my dad? "Was also shot. He took one to the head as well and has undergone emergency surgery..." my dad too? Oh god this can't be happening. The tears well up in my eyes. "Records show that Daniel Nash was convicted of murder of his own brother Denny Nash a little over a year ago. He escaped from prison a few weeks ago, that is when we believe he assembled a team and kidnapped the teens. Daniel also was diagnosed with many mental disorders and spent most of his years in a mental hospital. As of now, he is not in custody. He made his way out through the school, shooting any officer following him. Police are still looking for him, if you have any information on the capture of Daniel Nash please call (813) 555-5674." A picture of his mug shot appears on the screen "Well that's it for our 5 o'clock news. Tune it at 10 for another update on this story..." I tune her out. Dan is still out there? He still wants to kill us, what if he finds us? What if he comes to the hospital and kills us in our sleep? Or stalks us when we get home and kill us then. Or what if he tries to kidnap us again? My heart races, I can hear the beeping next to me getting faster and faster.

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