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Hey guys. Well i just wanted you guys to know, that due tot he fact that i recently reread my story, and found it extremely unrealistic, i have rewritten it. I just finished, and if you are interested in reading the new and improved version of Snatched, feel free to go back and read it.

Thank you all for the 2.4k reads everyone. It means alot.

I have some questions for you guys and i would really appreciate it if you would give me some feedback

1.What should i change about the book?

2.What do you like about this book? Dislike?

3. Who is your favorite character in the book? Why?

4.If you were the author, would you write this story any differently? How so?

5.if you had to rate this book 1-10, 10 being the highest, how would you rate it?

Thanks guys! Updates to Why Jozie will continue very soon!

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