Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I wake up with my body aching. My eyes are crusted with dried up tears. When I sit up, my body sore as I do so. I look over at Jordan. He lays on the floor still asleep. I look around the room, the cameras and chairs have disappeared. The men had just left us there. Everyone else was still asleep, I gently shook Jordan knowing his body must ache too and I didn't want to hurt him.

He slowly opened his eyes, groaning as he brought his hands up to them. He rubbed them for a minute then looked at me.

"Lizzie?" he looks like he is trying to focus his eyes on me. "Lizzie are you okay?"

"I'm okay" I lied. My wounds hurt worse than they have ever before.

"No you’re not, your bleeding" he says leaning in on me

"Huh?" I asked him in confusion. It was then when I felt the blood trickle down my face from the wound on my face.

I let out a sigh of frustration. "Is it bad?" I ask him trying not to touch my face too much

"No, it just looks like a stitch on the end snapped" he says examining my face. Is that even possible? I shake off the thought

"Can you help me get cleaned up please" I ask him. Knowing if I did it myself without any kind of mirror I would end up hurting myself

"Of course" he says getting up and finds the paper towels over the counter. I notice he limps slightly as he gets there. He limps over to one of the tables on the other side of the room and beckons me over. I go over there. He pulls off a piece off and dabs my forehead.

After a while the blood stops and he throws the paper towel away. I look up at the time and notice its 7:30 in the morning.

"I'm going to start waking them up" I say looking at them as they all lay passed out on the floor. I start towards them but Jordan grabs my wrist and turns me around.

"I think we should let them rest. I had something better in mind" he says leaning in for a kiss but I avoid it.

"Didn't we already have this discussion already?"

"Come on Lizzie. Just give me one more chance"

"I'm not worried about that right now Jordan! Is that all you can worry about right now. While we're here? In this place?"

"Being in a dangerous situation does not change my feelings for you Lizzie. I've said that!"

"Maybe so. But being in a dangerous situation also means life or death. I don't think that I'm going to stress over love when I need to be stressing on survival!"

"Lizzie, we aren't going to die”

"You don't know that"

"You're right. I don't..." he pauses "okay. Say that we could potentially die here in this place. Wouldn't you want to spend it with the person you love? Live life to the fullest of its content?"

"What do we know about love? We're 14..."

He cuts me off "I know that it’s something that I've never felt before until I met you. Something that I never knew I could feel. Something indescribable."


"No just hear me out. Please. I love you, Lizzie smith. I love you more than I can even explain. I want to be with you Lizzie, whether it's for the short amount of time that were here, or years from now when we grow old and wrinkly together."

"You’re saying that now. Then were going to grow up, and were both going to meet new people, and feel those same feelings for them as we did each other. Our lives just started 14 years ago Jordan. A little over a decade ago. And if we survive this, we more decades to come. We are too young to define love, because as we get older, we experience new things. And feelings change. It's life, Jordan. That's just how it goes."

"I don't care. I just know that I want to be with you now. We don't have to look years into the future. We can just take it by the day. Today you will be mine. Tomorrow there is a risk might not be. And I'm willing to take that risk; I'm willing to risk that heartbreak. Maybe we are too young to know what love is. But whatever I feel right now, is enough for me to call love. And I love you Lizzie."

I can't help but smile. "You are really that serious about me huh?"

"As serious as a heart attack"

"Okay. Okay. We'll take it by the day."

Jordan's smile almost touched his eyebrows. He hugged me tight. And gave me a small kiss "I love you"

"I love you too." I hugged him again "But we still take it slow." I say into his shoulder.

"Okay. Slow" he smiles and hugs me even tighter 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Tanae laughs.

"Hello Tanae" Jordan says, his hands still wrapped around my body

"So you guys are together again?" she crosses her arms

"Something like that" I say looking at her

"Well then Jordan. Let's have a little talk shall we?"

"What about" he asks

"Don't worry. Just a talk" she laughs.

"Ohh, you better run" I smile at Jordan

Jordan finally agrees and follows Tanae a few feet away. "Don't kill him!" I holler at Tanae ad they walk

"No promises!" She yells back.

At this time Isabel wakes up and walks over to me "is Tanae threatening Jordan over there?" She asks me

"Most likely" I chuckle.

"Want to join" she says and walks over there. I shake my head and laugh.

Once Jordan is scared out of his mind, I think they both give up on threatening him.

I help them wake up the others and notice Moby is not here. Good Sign.

Once everyone is a wake Dan walks into the room with his phone to his ear.

"Okay good, check them for weapons and wires and find anyone who might try to follow us. Any parked cars, stray walkers, shoot them all, we don't need any witnesses. I have Mark upstairs looking for any undercover cops. Keep your ringer up for any alerts." He says then hangs up the phone. Jordan walks in while Dan addresses us. "Mommy and Daddy are coming!" he yells with a fake smile.

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