Snatched Chapters 1-4

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This story was written by me, imani_angelique11 beware of others trying to take credit for my work.


Author's note:

Hello. Thanks for clicking on my book! This is my first book i have ever written so it may not be the best so take it easy on me. There may be typos, misspelled words, and improper punctuation and grammar. There is mild cussing involved as well. With that being said. Enjoy.

Story has recently been rewritten!!

Chapter 1

I storm up to my room with my face burning red, with tears barely peeking out from my eyes. As I get to my room I slam the door behind me, making a big bang sound and leaving the floor shaking

"I hate you!" I hear my brother call at me from his room. I want to reply, but my throat is so irritated and dry from the screaming all that comes out is a faint screech.  Oh great, I lost my voice because of him! Why him, of the 7 billion people in the world why did God pick him to be my brother?! I don't want to say I hate him, but I do!  He could get away with murder and I would be the one to blame! And he hates me? I've done everything for him and he hates me?? I...

"Lizzie?" my thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door

"Go away mom!" I try to scream, but my throat just lets out a screech "Go away" I try again but again, there is only a faint cry. I want to try again but my mom is already walking into my room "What do you want?" I say a bit more clearly

"What happened to your voice? She asks concernedly

"Ask Chris" I reply angrily

She sits on the bed next to me "You know we love you right?"

"Yeah I guess" I say dully

"You guess?" she says

"Alright, alright, I know you love me mom. And I love you too" I say with a faint smile

She smiles "and you know your brother loves you, right?"

"No he doesn't "I say shaking my head

"Of course he does!" she insists

"Doubt it"

"He loves you!"

"That's not what he said 2 minutes ago"

"What? He said he hates you?"

"Well it was pretty loud; I'm surprised the neighbors haven't come over to complain yet"

"Chris!" she screams at the door about 5 seconds later Chris appears in the doorway

"Yes mom" he says innocently

"Did you tell your sister that you hate her?

"No" his voice cracks into a high pitched voice.

"Yes you did!" I try to scream, but my voice collapses and a strike of pain shoots up my throat

"Chris, look at me, did you tell your sister that you hate her?" my mom is starting to raise her voice

He sighs "Yes" he hesitates

"Why?" my mother says trying not to get mad

"Because I hate her"

"You don't mean that"

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