Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

We sit in the library for hours waiting for a chance to talk to Dale. None of the men have come down stairs once. Everyone is bored and complaining of hunger again. I would be too if I wasn't so weak. Jordan and I sit in the corner. I lean against him. I offered to let him go hang out with them, since he hasn't left my side since the incident with the chip; but he refused and said he would rather sit with me. We sit and talk all night about random stuff. Like our childhoods and stuff like that. We get into a conversation about us and he admits to me he had feelings for me since we met but never took action on them because his friends didn't approve.

"When I saw we were on your street I prayed that they didn't get you. And when they did, I made a promise to myself that I was going to protect you and get you out of there alive." he says looking me in the eye. It takes me a while to realize I was blushing with a wide smile on my face. I went on to tell him I have liked him too, but I just didn't know how to express it to him.

We look into each other's eyes for a moment, then without a word he kisses me. Sparks of electricity flow through my body as his lips press against mine. My heart is racing. I can feel the fast rhythm of his heart beat against my chest. We continue for a second then I realize that I couldn't breathe. I pulled away for air and we just smiled at each other connected by our foreheads. My first kiss. I just had my first kiss in an abandoned library that I was locked in, by some kidnappers...How romantic.

"Ewww get a room!" Tanae yells mockingly. I turn around and all of them have crowded around us. I can feel the redness in my face

"Aren't you a little weak to be having a make out session?" Isabel says smartly. I just laugh.

"Okay, I guess we will leave the two of you alone." Tanae says "And hey lover boy, keep the hands north of the equator!" she says pointing at his hands that are around my waist.

"Yes ma'am" he says laughing. She just smiles and walks away. He pulls my face to look at his with his finger. "Where were we?"

My lips are centimeters from his and I whisper "Right here" then we are kissing again. We kiss for a minute then my stomach starts to growl. We stop "Where's Dale when you need him" I say rubbing my stomach.

"If I knew I'd tell you" he says. I look at his eyes; they have heavy bags under them

"When was the last time you slept?" I asked him concerned

"Last night when you had the seizure"

My eyes widen "You haven't slept in a day?!" he shakes his head "Why?"

"I wanted to be sure nothing happened to you again"

"I appreciate it. I really do. But you can't deprive yourself from sleep! You must be exhausted. Get some rest, I'll be okay" I say "I'll go over there with them so you can sleep"

"No!" he half screams half whispers in a desperate voice. "You are too weak to be up and about. And I won't feel comfortable if you aren't here with me"

"Okay, okay I'll stay. Promise me you will go to sleep though" I say

"I promise" he says. I lie down on his chest and close my eyes, but I don't fall asleep until I'm certain he is. I fight my sleep for maybe 30 minutes. I look up at him, he's asleep. Everyone else is getting ready to go to sleep too. I lay there listening to his heart beat until I hear his voice

"Lizzie?" he says. I sigh and look up at him

"Go to sleep" I say slowly

"I love you." he whispers to me. I look at him smiling.

"I love you too" I whisper back then I lay back on his chest "Now go to sleep" he obeys and I can hear his faint snoring a few minutes later.

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