Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

When I wake up I'm in Jordan's arms, of course, he had fallen asleep. The sun was beginning to rise, everyone was still asleep. I looked across the room, the guy that attacked me was duct taped to a chair and Alex was sitting there across from him; guarding him I guessed.

I pulled up my shirt to see that the gash was covered with a lot of paper towels the duct taped to my side so it would stay. What did that guy cut me with anyway? I doubt the guys would leave anything that could pose a threat to them in the room with us.

I try to fall asleep but I can't. I'm too afraid to fall asleep, even though the guy is restrained on the other side of the room I still feel afraid of him. I'm tempted to wake up Jordan so he can keep me company but I didn't want to wake him up when I knew he desperately needed sleep.

I slowly got up careful not to wake him up then walked over to Alex. He looked exhausted.

"Hey" I whispered as I walked over there. He just nods his head at me. "You look like a zombie. Why don't you get some rest" I say

"No. Your little boyfriend over there was going to do it, but he looked even more tired than me, plus he probably would have started beating him up in his sleep." he says

"I won't beat him up in his sleep. You can bet on it. Now go to bed." He gets up and starts to walk over to the other side of the room "wait" I stop him. He turns around slowly "do you know his name"

"I think it was something like Moby" he says then turns away.

I study Moby. He is tall, well I guess, it's hard to tell when his taped to a chair. He has short brown hair, dark skinned complexion, and muscular arms. He wears a white muscle shirt and jeans the wrap around his knees. I roll my eyes when I realize it. It irritates me when I see people sagging.

Suddenly Moby wakes up. He looks around for a moment then tries to move only to be restrained by the duct tape. He gives out a sigh of frustration. It takes him a second to realize I'm sitting right in front of him.

"So what? They put you on watch?"

He says with a groggy laugh. I ignore his comment then I tilt my head looking straight at him

"What did I do to you?" I say. I can hear a strain in my voice

"Don't act like you don't know" he snarled

"I'm a horrible actor" I say. Leaning against a wall that was conveniently placed right next to me

"Really?" he says raising an eyebrow

"Really" I say leaning forward towards him

"Do you know anyone by the name of Makayla?"

Makayla, Makayla, Makayla, Makayla. I don't know a Makayla. I keep thinking. Who do I know by the name of Makayla? I keep asking to myself

In the 7th grade. There was this girl named Kayla. her name could have been Makayla. We got in a fight once because she hurt my bother. Her and her twin brother. Twin brother.

"Your her brother" I whispered.

"I didn't actually hurt him. It was just to scare you" I look down at my hands. "You didn't have to beat her that bad you know"

"I don't care if you hurt him or not. Don't ever out your hands on my family. Ever! That's the line you never cross" I snarl at him

A few years ago I took a Mixed Martial Arts class. It was mostly to help me control my anger. and it helped. when we fought, I didn't throw the first punch. I rarely ever throw the first punch. I'm the kind of person that will only fight you of you put your hands on me, or cross the line.

I was out with my brother on Halloween night. My mom asked me to take him trick or treating, and I didn't oblige. At some point in the night we wanted to walk to another block but didn't feel like taking the long way there, so we took a short cut through a path to get there. She and a group of her friends walked up to my brother and I and started talking a whole bunch of crap. All of her friends wore costumes with masks and makeup to disguise their faces. Except for Kayla. She noticed my brother standing behind me and chuckled. She snapped her fingers and it seemed her friends knew exactly what it meant. One of the guys in the group charged towards me, pushed me out of the way and grabbed my brother. I was quickly off of the ground and punched the boy in his face; causing him to release my brother. I screamed at my brother for him to run hone and he did so. The guy was about to chase him, but Kayla told him to stop.

"Look here. I don't want to fight you. I don't want to fight anyone. So let's get out of my face, and leave me and my family alone, before I really start getting mad." I said in between clenched teeth.

She got in my face "So you think your tough"

"I don't think I'm anything. But what I think you're going to be is a little girl on the ground begging for mercy, if you don't get out of my face"

"I'm not scared of you"

"I'm not here to scare you. I'm here to warn you" I say getting in her face as she did mine "I'm giving you a chance. Walk away"

"Please" she yelled pushing me back. I looked to the side shaking my head with a smile. She is really tempting me.

"You know what. I like your guts. So I'll take it easy on you" I said putting my fists up. She threw the first punch. I grabbed it, pushing it outward as I brought my elbow to her side, under her underarm.

She gasped in pain "try not to punch so wide" I told her. She just gave me a snarl. She came at me again with her fists in tighter. I ducked and gave her an uppercut. She was knocked back but I purposely didn't hit her hard enough to knock her off her feet.

"Protect your face" I tell her, showing her an example

"Don't tell me how to fight!" She screams coming towards me with another wide punch. I grab it then I crouch pulling her weight over my back. She plops down on the cement hard. I get on top of her, one hand holding the collar of her shirt the other up ready to punch

"Do you really want to mess with me?" I say tilting my head. She looks at me with hate. I get up off of her. "Get up. I'm not done with you yet." I say getting in a fighting stance again. She stands up, taking a second to regain her balance. She runs at me ready to tackle. All I have to do is step to the side and stick my foot out. She falls and lands hard on her face.

I help her up. Her face is red and blood oozes from her nose. I pat her shoulder "Nice try" I get closer to her ear "Stay away from me. Stay away from my family" I whisper. Then walk away. I turn around and the crowd I didn't notice was there is surrounding Kayla with their cameras and phones out.

I never saw her after that. I heard she switched schools, too humiliating for her I guess.

I look back up at Moby. "She had nightmares. I had to rock her to sleep at night. As if she was a baby." he said. Still looking down. "Those people put that video on the internet. It got 5 million views like in a day. "

I was on the internet? I didn't even know it recorded let alone put on the internet. Well I knew it was recorded, I just never thought of it really.

"She cried herself to sleep every day. She begged our mom not to make her go to school because she was bullied because of It." his voice sounded hurt

"That's not my fault. I don't..."

"Save it!" he yells "I'm not done" he looks at me in the eye. "After a month of depression. She committed suicide. I found her in my room sitting in my favorite chair, bag over her head, cuts up and down her wrist. On the bag, there was a note taped to it. I didn't read it until after the funeral when the police returned it. It explained how none of it was our families fault. But it was yours. 'Get revenge on Lizzie' was the last words on that paper. And I have promised myself that I will live out my sister's request."

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