Chapter 5- A Small Favor

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We open on Delia, walking through a lavish mansion towards one of the three offices. When she arrives at her chosen destination. A loud knock rings through the hallway from her own hand.

"Enter!" A lady's voice with a pleasant British accent speaks aloud. Her voice calming the stressed woman. Slowly and carefully Delia opens the dark wood door. She enters the room and closes the door behind her. Hurrying further into the room she stands before a desk. Behind the desk sat the mysterious Grey, an entrepreneur who only shows her lower face. This, Grey haired lady, was the owner of the mansion, a large technologics company, and a lot of secrets. A true enigma.

"Grey... I'm sorry to ask this, but can I borrow a room in the mansion, some money and some tech? It may seem odd for me to ask b--" Grey silenced her with a 'hush' and a finger up to her lips. Grey stoop from her chair and stalked around the desk up to her. She place an arm around her shoulders and started guiding her to a bookshelf on the other end on the room.

"Darling, This is merely a small favour. You can always ask for more. To answer your questions, you can have these things. Everyone in your team has a room in my mansion. There's also an island for members of your team and similar teams where you have a house. The money, take two hundred. And tech, as much as you please." She reached her free arm out and grab a book. Pulling it out showed of the button behind. "If you wish, you may press it. You may take what you want. In there is also a map of the mansion's layout and where hidden passages are kept. If you are to stay here, it would be wise to learn them." Delia wrapped her arms around the entrepreneur in a friendly hug.

"Thank you! 'Darling'." She giggled and pressed the button. The business woman sits back at her desk and pays all attention to her work. The bookshelf opens as if a door and Delia looks inside.

A smirk paints her lips.

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