Backstage at DJ diamondmind's concert

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  Im playing my older track "Gimme some L" at my concert, and it's the finale. I hear Jax in the audience saying "WHOOOOOO! GO DJ DIAMONDMIND! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!". I chuckle at how much he loves DJ diamondmind. Now im done and i gave him a vip backstage pass so he can see my dressing room. I walk off stage then me and him walk to my dressing room. I close the door and he speaks up "Wow that was a killer preformance Kit your amazing!" he says to me. "Thanks!" i say as i take my DJ diamondmind  helmet off but im still wearing my DJ diamondmind costume though. Then suddenly Jax stares at me out of nowhere. "Umm, earth to Jax" i wave my hand in front of his face. "Yeah?"he replys. "What's wrong with you, eh?" i say concerned. "Nothing Kit I've just never seen you before without a toque or headphones on, and you look really pretty and a bit girly right now."he says to me. "Thanks Jax i didn't know i look that pretty and girly right now." i reply a bit sarcastic but not really. "Well you do." he says staring at me again. Now he's touching my hair with his hand, fascinated by it. Then he looks down at me and kisses me out of nowhere. I now just hug him and kiss him at the same time. I never knew i would like kissing Jax but he's an amazing kisser. He snakes his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him and now he keeps one hand on my waist, then puts his other hand on my neck rubbing the back of it. His lips are so soft and amazing, good thing he doesn't have chapped lips, he's making my first kiss amazing. Yes it's my first kiss don't judge me Im only about to be 15. We kiss for about 15 seconds and we pull away. Dont worry were not the make out type of kissers. Were the slow, romantic, innocent, kiddish type of kissers who dont french kiss. But, i wanna kiss him again so i grab him by his collar and kiss him he doesn't seem to mind because he's kissing me back putting his hands on my face. I keep my hands on his collar and my lips on his lips for about 6 seconds. Then i pull away from him out of breath from all the hype. He's also out of breath too. After all that kissing i say "Why'd you kiss me." He says "Why'd you kiss me?" good question Jax. "Because i felt like it"i reply. "So did i" he says to me. "Well do you like me?"i say. "Duh"he says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world. Then we kiss again.

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