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   "Miles! Kit and i need to be alone!" Jax yells, and Miles walks out of the designing room. Jax and i have been busy working on the tracks for Dj Diamond Minds new album. We need some privacy. "Okay Jax, let's work on the track Summer Love." I say. "Okay." He replies. Then i play the song. "I think the drums need to come in sooner, and the bass line needs to come in later. What do you think?" Jax says. "Yeah, i completely agree. Thank you so much Jax for helping me. I know we got off on the wrong foot but, we are becoming pretty good friends." I blurt out. Jax just sits on his chair staring into my eyes. "No prob, Dj G is here to help you with tracks any time, and be your friend when your in time of need." He says, and smiles at me. "Thanks so much. I appreciate your help. I feel like i have someone to talk to now." I reply.  "Well, just to let you know. I'm always here for you." Jax replies, and smiles at me. I'm about to do something i never thought I'd do. I'm gonna hug him. I'm just gonna hug him. I go ahead and hug him, and he is shocked but, he hugs me back. We are still sitting in our chairs, and i scoot my closer to his. I pull away from the hug and we look into eachothers eyes. I look down at my waist, and i notice he still has his arms wrapped around it. I look back up at him, and then we smash our lips together. His lips are so soft, and they taste like mint and cinnamon. Good thing i put on chap-stick today, It's embarrassing to have chapped lips if your kissing someone. I stand up from my chair and sit on Jackson's lap. I hope he doesn't mind..... Oh, nevermind, he doesn't. We pull away for a second to breath. Then we go back to kissing. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he moves his hands up to my head. He rubs my hair, and my toque falls off. Jax has never seen me without my toque on. I wear it He runs his hands through my hair, and i put my hands on his head and run my hands through his hair too. I bit his lip, which catches him by suprise, and he deepens the kiss by pulling me in to where our chests touch. He puts his soft, cotton like hands on the sides of my face, and i ruffle his hair. We soon pull away. I look at him, and he is totally blushing. I also feel heat rising up into my cheeks. "Well, you're a great kisser Kit." Jax smirks. He is making me blush even more. 😊 "Right back at ya." I reply. Then i see Scarlett walk in. "Kit, why are you sitting on Jackson's lap?" She asks me, widening her chocolate brown eyes. "No reason." I smirk. "I better leave you two alone." Scarlett says and walks out of the room. What a crazy day! 😕👍😅😄😃😁🔥🔥

The different events of Jax and Kit/Romy and Matthew!!! (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now