Movement For Non-Movers.

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Hey, guys, it's Kit here, and Scarlett basically forced me to take this stupid movement for non-movers class. She's took it in grade 10, and she wants me to take it too. Like if you guys really know me, you know im a dj. I don't dance. But, i guess I'll be fine because, Jax is taking this class too. Right now, we are moving in a really slow, boring pace, to weird, yoga like music, then we stop. Thank you so much God for making the painful torture stop!!! "Okay guys, you have an assignment. So, to start off, you pick a name inside the hat. Then whichever person's name you get, you have to do a duet with them. Present a movement duet by tommorow." The girl says. Tommorow!!? I don't know anything about movement or dancing!!! "Kit, pick a name." She says to me, and i widen my eyes and pick a random name inside the hat. I got Jax!!!! I have to do a dance duet with Jax!!! I look over at him, and he just looks shocked. I walk over to him, "Hey Jax." I say akwardly. "Hey Kit. Let's get to work." He replies, and i nod my head. The girl said we can dance in any of the extra dance rooms. So we go to a random one. "So, what type of style of dance or movement, or whatever you call it, are we doing?" I blurt out, adjusting my toque on my head. "What about hip hop? Does that count?" Jax says. "Yeah anything counts, as long as it requires movement." I say, then we get to work. We are doing a hip hop dance to ushers "good kisser." (watch the video above. Imagine the duet at the beginning is them.) We looked up a couple of youtube tutorials before we started this, so we had an idea. We start the music, and we rehearse all day. Some of the dance moves are a bit intimate, but, not totally inappropriate. This is Keaton School Of The Arts, people will now what is inappropriate and what is not. "Good job Kit. Were done." Jax says to me, and looks into my eyes. "Good job too Jax. I think were becoming pretty good dancers." I reply, and he nods. "Well see you later! Be ready tommorow!" He says, as he waves at me walking out the door.

Today is the day of Jax and i's hip hop duet, and i think im ready. I'm at my locker right now, and Jax and i texted eachother last night about what we were going to wear for the duet. Were wearing the clothes right now, and we look totally awesome. Oh, and fyi im wearing a snap-back right now. Not a toque. What a change, but i guess ill survive not wearing a toque for the day. (The clothes that the people in the duet are wearing in the video above, is the clothes jax and kit are wearing.) "Okay, let's go." I say, determined to do this duet. At first, i wasn't thrilled about it at all. But, now i am. We both walk into class, and after a couple of performances, we go last. "Jax and Kit, your up." The girl that i don't know the name to says. Jax and i go up, and we get in our positions. The music starts and we start dancing. I'm trying to add more energy to the dance, so i add a lot of facial expressions. After not that long, we are done and the music stops. "Great job!" Jax and i say in unison, and we hug eachother. Jax and i are getting really close, and... that's a really good thing. "Good job." The girl says, and claps her hands together, and Jax and just nod back smiling, giving her a thumbs up. After all that dancing, we go into the room we practiced yesterday in. "You are actually a good dancer Kit." Jax says. "Right back at ya." I say, winking at him. We both chuckle, then we both start leaning in out of nowhere. Jax just takes action, and he starts kissing me out of the blue. I throw my arms around his neck, and he puts his arms around my waist. Jax starts rubbing my back, and i tangle my hands in his hair. Our lips move in-sync at a medium-slow pace. And after about 5 minutes to be exact, we stop and pull away slowly. "Your even a good kisser!" Jax yells. "You too, surprisingly." I mumble. He just chuckles in response. Oh, that amazing, cute chuckle makes my heart melt. I think im starting to like Jax. I do like him. "I like you Kit." Jax says, getting me out of my train of thoughts. "I like you too." I reply, smiling so much almost making my face tear apart. What a day!

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